I am not sure what this pedal does, but the decal work looks amazing. I am glad that I got one pedal with the decal and one with the clean graphics. Best of Both worlds.
Mike is this a different box than you normally use? The corners seem rounder and the box height seems shorter as well. Looks nice.
Reece wrote:hey, have you done any "normal" DLS's so to speak?
i mean like this kinda style:
just the logo and the usual font.
i've been trying a bunch of stuff but i think all i want is something simple and clean like that. white with black lettering in your normal font and possibly a little thingi'm working on in the center.
i ask because the template i have has no logo and a different font and if you've already done a regular style DLS there's no point in me trying to recreate it again on this template.
Nah they've all had themes to be honest - just chat to benecol - he'll knock you up a "Standard style" one.
The Husker Du box is a Foxx Tone Machine kit I built up for Simon (mustang_melx on this forum), graphics were his lightly tweaked by benecol.
The box is a ready painted one, they're nicer but much more expensive than Hammonds.
I'm not touting for business. Lick my sack. I'm sure you can build a dist+ perfectly well if someone wants one. Just seems an odd choice considering the band's sound is characterised by one pedal, and it aint a Foxx wossit.
We don't even cover the same ground - most of what I do is Custom - whereas you build up stock of a series of designs and sell off the shelf and do the occasional custom job.
Don't you roll your eyes at me, sunshine. If I see the Smashing Pumpkins on a pedal, it had better sound like a Big Muff. If I see The Strokes on a pedal, it had better.. um.. Mike, what was in the Strokes pedal?
timhulio wrote:Don't you roll your eyes at me, sunshine. If I see the Smashing Pumpkins on a pedal, it had better sound like a Big Muff. If I see The Strokes on a pedal, it had better.. um.. Mike, what was in the Strokes pedal?
It was a Fuzzface.
theshadowofseattle wrote:less being WOKE
more being STOKED
timhulio wrote:Don't you roll your eyes at me, sunshine. If I see the Smashing Pumpkins on a pedal, it had better sound like a Big Muff. If I see The Strokes on a pedal, it had better.. um.. Mike, what was in the Strokes pedal?
It was a Fuzzface.
mmmm...... I think you are only allowed images of Hendrix on a faceface.
Johno's pedal is done! Man these are a bastard to fit everything into/wire up. Sound fucking mint though.
Have you ever tried putting these dual pedals into a larger case to make it easier to fit? I was amazed just how small my dual pedal footprint actually was. It's nice for us since they take up so little pedal board real estate. What is the largest box size you have used? When I first looked at the pictures of my dual pedal, it appeared to be the size of my EHX Holy Stain, though in reality it's the size of an XO series pedal rotated on it's side