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Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 9:10 pm
by luke
Mo Rocca wrote:deleet enbluego's horns?


And don't forget to curve the back off and get a weird monkey.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 9:16 pm
by Mo Law-ka
meh. ill pass. though, i was thinking of adding sympathetic strings somewhere on the body, just for fun.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:06 pm
by Sublimedo
dodgedartdave wrote:I like the shape too. It's interesting. What color are you gonna do it?
Haven't really picked one out yet actually.I'm just going on a paint spree midsummer and paint this and some jazzmaster bodies that a friends acquiring. I'm considering a 3x3 neck for this one

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:26 pm
by Sublimedo
God damn you all to hell!


I won't believe it till i see it anyhow. I just hope he does it himself if he goes through with it. none of this aristocratic premium luthier suff.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:33 am
by roachello
Mo Rocca wrote:Sublimedo's ibanez and enbluego were separated at birth?!
Yeah... it was quite strange... when I started sanding down the body, I noticed that under the blue was a coat of red... I've never seen red primer before, so I was thinking either people are cheap and paint over paint, or the red is supposed to bring out the blue color somehow.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:48 am
by James
It reminds me of one of these now...


Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 1:10 am
by roachello
! I wanna paint it Chartreuse!!! I remember at the paint shop when I went to buy my pedal they had some sort of Chartreuse metallic... bright... and green :)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 2:17 pm
by Alyn
Damn, I like it a lot now, fantastic work. I also agree with Bob about the Peavy Wolfgang similarity, but I always liked the way they look.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 2:59 pm
by mezzio13
roachello wrote:! I wanna paint it Chartreuse!!! I remember at the paint shop when I went to buy my pedal they had some sort of Chartreuse metallic... bright... and green :)
DO IT!!!!!!

(oh yeah, I think Icey won at stirring youse guys up) :D

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:05 pm
by luke
mezzio13 wrote:
roachello wrote:! I wanna paint it Chartreuse!!! I remember at the paint shop when I went to buy my pedal they had some sort of Chartreuse metallic... bright... and green :)
DO IT!!!!!!

(oh yeah, I think Icey won at stirring youse guys up) :D
Stirring us up? If I was to go on a rampage insulting Icey in ever single thread telling him he's a piece of shit from a third world country with no money and no life, I wouldn't get moderators laughing at people telling them Malik just stirred things up.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:11 pm
by Mike
paul_ wrote:+1... the street-sweeping remark, completely unprovoked, i ask you, what the flim-flam-FUCK was that about? it would have come to a kick in the futbols had he said that to my face.

malik is not just blindly lashing out at icey anymore.. he stopped that awhile ago, but icey has "upped his game" several times since. i gave up on him a long-ass time ago, but i suppose another go wouldn't hurt.

icey is pathetic. he actually just said he's going to avenge this squier-quality ibanez strat copy by tracking down a vintage mustang and turning it into a metal guitar. he's said it several times in this thread. he thinks it'll be payback, and that sublimedo is going to be rocking back and forth in his computer chair looking at these floyd'd stangs, wondering why he had to take it too far. there is no further doubt that icey knows exactly how much he clashes with us and that he just enjoys winding people up.
mumblyjoe thread proves that. icey went in there and ridiculed his project right off the bat, saying he wasted his time and money and that icey has his head on so much more straight because he got something with a locking bridge and set-neck...

he's going into other people's threads to talk shit about their guitars/mods, etc... and he contributes absolutely nothing worthwhile to the forum elsewhere. even his project threads are filled with erroneous information about FDP-type stuff like the sprague orange drop and TONEWOODS and tremsetters... and he thinks he gets away with being a cock because some of you find his inefficiency with grammar and the english language mildly amusing. great.

anyone who does not recognize his behavior in this thread and mumblyjoe's custom guitar thread as petty, juvenille or uncalled-for is not paying attention. and don't say "well that's how people treat him" because it's not. we all apply common sense and reasoning to our arguments, he does not.
I wasn't paying attention...

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:29 pm
by Sublimedo
just a quasi update. It hasn't been refinished yet, but I installed the dragsters i got from dots on these. just wow, they sound too fucking amazing. I also, installed an ibanez 3x3 neck on it for more frankensteinness (see my new ibanez thread to see where it came from). It really does sound good. Paints coming up next.

Image make nasty love




Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:37 pm
by More Cowbell
Looks so much better!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:56 pm
by Doog
Sublimedo wrote:God damn you all to hell!


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:30 pm
by inscho
Sublimedo wrote: Image

i wouldn't refinish it...i think it looks rad as it is. 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:25 pm
by Doog
Plus one, it looks grrrreat.