bassintom wrote:Did you predrill the neck?...Sounds like maybe you used either the wrong size bit or dint go in deep enough.
i did indeed think maybe the screws aren't the right length? i mean, it fits really nice and snug before i drill the neck i dunno wtf...
Got pic of the gap? Oh and I dont like v necks cause they wear the shit out my thumb muscle. I had a 50's reissue strat with one and it killed. But I have meaty hands(gayzorzlol).
When the screw is coming through the hole and to the neck it is pushing back on the neck before biting in the screw hole. Apply more pressure at the base neck when screwing the neck.
euan wrote:When the screw is coming through the hole and to the neck it is pushing back on the neck before biting in the screw hole. Apply more pressure at the base neck when screwing the neck.
you da man euan! that was exactly was needed. just a lot more pressure at the base of the neck. mind, there's still an ever so slightly larger gap on one end than the other (slightly off-centre) but i mean it's like a CUNT hair's i'm fine with it till i put tuners on it and string it to see if it'll hold tune worth a shit...i'm REALLLLLLLY liking how it's turning out.
I've always used a screwdriver, and did it just like putting on a tire. It's been a long time, I'm sure lots of the guys will know more than I do, but it seems like maybe it's not a perfect fit.
Mind you, I was always putting the original neck back on the guitar after having took it off. Good luck.
okay. so. i need to know what kind of tuners to buy. my first choice would be the fender sealed fuckers. but those are hard to snipe on ebay for me right i thought maybe the ones guitar fetish sells with a brown tort button on top would look classy. but the last time i tried to install tuning keys on a guitar i fucked it up royally. so i need some advice.
euan wrote:I mounted the tuners, aligned them up and then used a hand drill and a small bit to drill pilot holes for the screws. Worked wonders for me.
Except one screw head sheared off and I had to drill it out.
good call, that was my guess too, i just didn't know if there were any other secrets or tips to align it right.
One will be need for the e and b strings. They are required to increase the angle over the nut. Someone else would be better to ask about the positioning.
look at a picture of a headstock, i think they are usually set right around the tuner hole for the g-string, and right dead center between the b and e strings.
and make sure the screw you are using is not longer than the headstock. i have to repair a kids mexi strat cuz he start fucknig with it and put a screw thru the fucknig headstock.
robert(original) wrote:look at a picture of a headstock, i think they are usually set right around the tuner hole for the g-string, and right dead center between the b and e strings.
and make sure the screw you are using is not longer than the headstock. i have to repair a kids mexi strat cuz he start fucknig with it and put a screw thru the fucknig headstock.
noice! thanks euan and rob. my guess is that i'll be buying them from allparts or summit so i can get the proper length scroos.
do you need a string tree?
how many?
i bought abunch from allparts a while ago and they have been sitting my shop,
if yer interested i can send them your way as long as you pay for 35cents or whatever it is for a stamp.
robert(original) wrote:do you need a string tree?
how many?
i bought abunch from allparts a while ago and they have been sitting my shop,
if yer interested i can send them your way as long as you pay for 35cents or whatever it is for a stamp.
you want me to paypal you the postage? send you a check? whatchya want? thanks man! i'll need two i guess. you gots teh scroozerz for 'em?
mickie: thanks dude. i'll have rob send me two in case ya forget, no worries, know what i mean?