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Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:37 am
by Reece
Mike wrote:I need to be getting commission on this stuff, surely?
with me alone you've shifted about 400 quids worth of gear. i bet if you made a tally by asking people what they bought after viewing your demo for it you'd find you've sold a bloody lot.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:02 am
by Mike
I do get an upsetting amount of youtube comments and messages to suggest so.

The most popular things seem to be the Fender guitars (Baja Tele, Tele Deluxe, Mustang, Jaguar), the Tiny Terror and the Marshall JVM, since my demo shows the amp in more of a transparent way that a widdly Marshall demo. And a bunch of pedals too. I might be working on something with Diago at some point in the future but he hasn't got back to me in a while.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:19 am
by Thom
It's my birthday today and I got this pedal from my folks.
Have been having a quick play and it's a lot of fun :)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:26 am
by benecol
Happy birthday lamp - comapre and contrast with your boss's investmuff.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:43 am
by Thom
Cheers benecol.

Ok - so compared to the Pete Cornish pedal...
The Dano is noisier (not that it's noisy) - the PC was just sooooo quiet.
The Dano sounds dirtier, and more glitchy if that's the right word. But chords don't sound as clear or distinct.
I actually prefer it to be quite honest. I'm not a big fuzz fan - but I can't fault this little pedal, the tone knob seems really useful and it's loads of fun.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:44 am
by Mike
Happy birthday Thom. It's a good pedal, I think it sounds even better with a band, nice and loud and doomy.

BTW I played a Blackstar HT-5 Mini Stack in Vintage & Rare with Zaphod on Friday, it sounds great. I'm probably going to sell my TT and buy one.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:45 am
by Thom
Mike wrote:Happy birthday Thom. It's a good pedal, I think it sounds even better with a band, nice and loud and doomy.

BTW I played a Blackstar HT-5 Mini Stack in Vintage & Rare with Zaphod on Friday, it sounds great. I'm probably going to sell my TT and buy one.
Cheers Mike :)

And haha - yes, brilliant, that's exactly what I want to do ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:21 pm
by Reece
Mike wrote:Happy birthday Thom. It's a good pedal, I think it sounds even better with a band, nice and loud and doomy.

BTW I played a Blackstar HT-5 Mini Stack in Vintage & Rare with Zaphod on Friday, it sounds great. I'm probably going to sell my TT and buy one.
i'm slowly coming around to this idea too.

not sure about getting the stack though, i don't think i need three cabs just yet.

happy birthday thom!