Hi guys, new here!
I have found this great site and this particular thread while I was searching the Internet for Windsor Studio mods.
I have had this puppy for one week and I am pretty sure it is a great platform for tweaks and mods.
This amp does not seem to get very good reviews.
It's been late over one year and its out of the box tone is not that great, except for heavily overdriven sounds.
It sounds tiny and it is almost impossible to get cleans out of it.
I was a bit disappointed first.
Then I hooked it up to the 2x12 speakers of my crappy H&K Attax 200 combo turned into a not so bad cabinet.
The tone was instantly much better with stronger basses and some kind of Marshallesque "hump" to the tone.
Much better then, but still no cleans and too much drive.
I have been tampering with sound and tubes for ages and I am able to somehow "hear" what is going wrong, if that makes sense.
What I can say:
- the gain of the input stages is way too high for rendering any clean tone
- there is definitely something wrong in the tone stack
- the boost switch just adds confusion to the sound
- implementation and switching circuitry of the effect loop has some issues making it almost unusable (tried with external preamp and various effects)
- the power amp part looks good but may be biased a little on the hot side. I hate auto-bias.
- the power amp may need some slight negative feedback to avoid too early breaking
- reverb is mostly OK but need to try a real Accutronics large tank (got one to try and see how it goes)
- power sponge is great and works well
- I am not sure about the BM speaker
The first change I have made is to swap the first 12AX7 and put a Groove Tubes 5751M in.
Instant beautiful and warm cleans with humbuckers (Gibson 490T bridge and 500T neck) on the low gain input up to 4-5 dialed in, with the edges getting nicely dirt beyond 5 or on string attack!
The hi-gain input goes from crunchy to heavy overdrive with an overall nice tone.
The amp is quieter too. There is still too much gain for real cleans.
This is the first mod.
I you can get hold of a 5751 tube, it is really worth trying the swap. It is a quieter and sturdier 12AX7 with some 30% less gain.
Next potential mods could be about:
- connecting the low gain input straight to the second triode, but I have still to do some reverse engineering to figure out the circuitry
- looking into the tone stack and attempt to improve the frequency response
- recycle the boost switch into a fake second channel switch
- add an adjustable negative feedback loop in the power amp
- add an adjustable bias pot in the cathode of the power tube
- swap the EL34 for a 6550 or some big KT
It would be really helpful to have the schematics to work from.
Lol, way too long blurb for a first post
I am very interested in your ideas and own mods.
Sloan is doing an awesome job at exploring those amazing Peaveys