I has mustang...

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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Post by Mike »

The pickups are fairly wack though. I have them in my Duo-Sonic II and they manage to be simultaneously weak and microphonic, which is quite a cocktail.
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Post by astro »

Mike wrote:The pickups are fairly wack though. I have them in my Duo-Sonic II and they manage to be simultaneously weak and microphonic, which is quite a cocktail.
They were certainly the lowest audible output of any single coil I've ever played. The neck position did sound good with some overdrive, but the bridge pickup was way too thin and sterile. Mine weren't microphonic, though, and they were surprisingly quiet. They weren't horrible, but definitely uninspiring. I swapped mine out pretty quickly.

I find it odd that the Japanese mustangs and offset Fenders have such mediocre pickups. Everything else about these guitars is top notch in terms of quality, why on earth do they cheap out in that department? All the other Japanese Fenders seem to have very good pickups, so what's the excuse? Thankfully my MIJ Mustang bass sounds fantastic. Good thing too, since there aren't really any replacement mustang bass pickups available.