Doog wrote:
I personally rate Dan Miller, O Face or not.
I also rate Dan Miller. Peter Stroud just sounded sarcastic all the time...
"The electro harmonix graphic EQ fuzz... that's a cool pedal"
Peter's vocal tone can be rather misunderstood.
Knowing him personally and interacting with him for a few years now, I can tell you he's seriously one of the nicest guys in the industry, and is very plain-speaking when it comes to something he digs, and he doesn't waste words. Love him or hate him, the EHX demos he did reflect that good ol' no-nonsense style in which he normally talks. I reckon that IRL More Cowbell shares much of his frehndleh Atlanta hospitality as well!
sounds nice, i actually do similar stuff with the volume pot and a looper. this way it's much easier, i'll have to try one. The big muff sounds good, but nothing new...
Just got the Germanium Muff. Couldn't resist for the money. £62 from Hot Rox, bargain. Quite a nice pedal. The OD side has tons of clean boost should you want it. The crunch is quite subtle but the Distortion side gives you plenty of that. The volts knob is interesting to play around with but mostly have it on full whack. Just a lot of tone variations and crunchy fun all round. Both sides engaged at once sounds HUGE! I like it, I like it a lot.
Rayjaysonic wrote:Just got the Germanium Muff. Couldn't resist for the money. £62 from Hot Rox, bargain. Quite a nice pedal. The OD side has tons of clean boost should you want it. The crunch is quite subtle but the Distortion side gives you plenty of that. The volts knob is interesting to play around with but mostly have it on full whack. Just a lot of tone variations and crunchy fun all round. Both sides engaged at once sounds HUGE! I like it, I like it a lot.
But does it sound like a EHX Muff should? Thats what holding me back from getting one.
mrperson wrote:That sounds pretty cool, I might give one a shot. Anything can be better than the DS1 I'm using atm.
That's what I have ditched from my pedal board. Personally, I think you can't go wrong for what it costs. It is basically 2 pedals for the price of one. Boujnd to be a sound in there you like somewhere.
EHX is putting out some great stuff these days. If you look at their videos and see how much the vocabulary of the instrument has expanded by their pedals, it's pretty impressive.