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Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:23 am
by taylornutt
portugalwillie wrote:I was asking for $50 less than that for a whole maple stang.
My point exactly. If someone buys that neck for $500, they have more money than sense.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:06 am
by taylornutt
School is almost out so I am about to have more time to devote to my Mustangs. I love having a vintage Mustang body to check my Mustang templates against. I have been marking up the template(black sharpie marker) so I can use my jigsaw to correct any mistakes from the paper template. The control route is a little too big and the other routes need some small adjustments. I will either make a whole new template or glue some pieces inside of it to fix the over-enlarged control cavity. The 78 mustang body has larger horns, so I won't change the template to perfectly line up with those. Used pencils through the thimble holes to line up the template and body along with the neck mounting holes. Once I get the Mustang template perfected, I will use it to put the routes on a Jag-stang template I am also putting together. :twisted:

I need to order a pickguard, control plate and bridge plate to be able to mockup both guitars and place screw holes

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Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:36 am
by taylornutt
I have noticed several different Mustang tremolos that are available and I was wondering if one was better than another.

I noticed their is the one tremolo from Fender Japan, and one that is unmarked (Allparts?). ... ustang.htm

Anyone had good or bad experiences with these?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:57 am
by Haze
Christ that's expensive, even for the cheap pot metal knock off. Do an jag trem!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:44 pm
by Joey
Billy is gonna let me trace out his RI Compstang, I'll let you have a copy of it when I get it. I rather use the RI Compstang cause it's generic, easy to get parts for. If you start making templates of vintage stuff, it varies and it's hard to buy a pickguard.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:18 pm
by taylornutt
I have been thinking about this project a bit and I might possibly change my original idea for the project guitar. I am going to use and finish out the Mullet-stang as planned, but I am mulling over the idea of having two Mustangs that are basically the same guitar (except for the cosmetic/color changes). I recently played the Pawnshop Mustang Special and I actually liked the pickups and switching options on the guitar. I wondered if maybe I should make my from scratch guitar use the Pawshop Mustang electronics but still stick with the traditional Mustang body with contours and arm rest.

Here is my original idea:
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Here is the new idea:
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What do you think? I would love some feedback on this. I am at the point of cutting the body and buying parts so I need to figure out my direction before moving forward. I know the Fender Enforcer mini WRHB are harder to find but I can eventually find some.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:48 pm
by Gabriel
Don't do the humbuckers, the single coils are a much nicer look IMO

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:49 pm
by ploppy
Pawnshop stylee!! do it! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:29 pm
by Sparky
The only way I could approve of a 'fat' mustang would be if you used GFS Surf 90s and made it a seafoam Surfstang.


Or like this, but with a w/b/w instead of the pizza tort.


Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:07 am
by poorhillbilly
humbuckers look suave. I respect your thinking sir.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:13 pm
by taylornutt
Being utterly broke has reduced my projects to a snail's pace. Still I have made some small gains in the last week or so. I picked up some vintage/RI pickups on craigslist and a vintage spec white pickguard for the Mullet-stang off ebay. There is still a chance I could put a Pearloid pickguard on the Mullet-stang and move this pickguard over to the other Mustang guitar. The only challenge I have is Joey filled in the holes when rebuilt the face of the guitar, so I really need the control plate and trem plate before I can drill holes to make sure everything lines up properly. I have one black cover (left over from the Musicmaster) and I need one more for this Mustang.
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white Pickguard
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Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:22 am
by 6stringelectric
Here is a good source I found for the bridge parts:

HD Custom Guitar Supply

He has the Fender (new re-issue) tremelo for less than the knock-off version in the link you posted.

I have one on my frankenstang and it fits perfectly - mine has a 60's era body, aftermarket pickguard of unknown age and origin, neck from a blacktop jaguar, and a new Fender trem and bridge. Oh, and a new control plate of unknown manufacture (not Fender).

And it all fit together perfectly, all screw holes in the original body lined up, even down to the gap between control plate and pickguard.

The only very minor issue was the holes in the control plate had to be enlarged because they were very small.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:00 pm
by Dave
That Jag Stang template is relevant to my interests - what you got planned Taylor?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:17 pm
by Addam
how about a pawnshop-styled jagstang or swinger, rather than a mustang. Variety being the spice of life, etc... Just a thought...

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:53 am
by taylornutt
AddamInsane wrote:how about a pawnshop-styled jagstang or swinger, rather than a mustang. Variety being the spice of life, etc... Just a thought...
I had that exact idea myself. Part of me wants to build a Mustang just to do it, but it doesn't make sense to build two identical guitars. The Mulletstang is on track and I could still do contours on a Jag-stang based on the Mustang body. I love the sound and pickup options on the Pawnshop Mustang Special and it would go great in a Jag-stang.

Would it look weird to keep the bridge hum bucker angled like the Jag-stang and then keep the neck hum bucker straight? or should I just keep the pawnshop look?

I might actually consider doing this. The biggest challenge is finding the pickups from the Mustang Special.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:14 am
by taylornutt
I keep throwing ideas against the wall about switching from the Mustang to a Pawnshop Jag-stang. I want it to have contours like the Mustang.

Here is where it gets interesting. Mustangs are 1.5", while the Jag-stang was actually 1.75" (no contours) thick like a Jaguar. I already have the guitar stock planed down to 1.5" thickness for the Mustang. I also have 2 sets of 1.75" stock that just need to be glued and clamped together. Should I go with the standard thickness for a Jag-stang or use the thinner stock?

I have a AVRI Jaguar and its probably the most comfortable guitar to play in terms of thick contoured body. But I love the thinner bodies of my Musicmaster (no contours) and the Mullestang (contours).

Thoughts? I would love to hear from Jag-stang owners and get your input on the body thickness and how it affects the overall feel of the instrument.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:46 am
by Addam
Personally, I would go for 1.5", it just feels right to me.
Even though I prefer a guitar to be heavy, I like a thin body (random!).

Also, I think contours are a bit of an irrelevence. Unless you just want to hone your woodworking skills, I wouldn't bother.
I've never wished my old Jagstang had contours, or my Bronco...

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:36 am
by Dave
1.5 and contours Taylor! I love my Jagstang but would probably be happy to have one with those changes.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:51 am
by taylornutt
Preview of things to come. Probably Mustang Special pickups if I can find them. Trying to decide how to orient the pickups because a Mustang/Jag-stang has angled pickups and not sure if I want to keep that or not


Pickup Orientations
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Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:19 am
by SKC Willie
straight up and down, for sure.

but, I'd spread them out as far as possible.