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Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:22 pm
by cur
plopswagon wrote:with benefits?
Yes, he is going to put you in bindings and finish you. Then post the pictures on the internets.
update on the two necks i am currently working on
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:28 am
by paulk1
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:53 am
by SKC Willie
just for the record . . .
I think you're incredibly self-centered. I hope you're not that way in real life, but you come across that way on these boards. Try learning a thing or two while you're on shortscale. Post in other threads and prove that you're here for more than just showing off your work. We would love to see them and if you learned how to upload the pictures properly - a lot of crap flying your way would stop.
seriously, go to photobucket and sign up. They'll resize your pictures automatically and they even have a box where you click and it automatically copies the image with
codes like that in it.
really, go do that and try it, you may be surprised.
All I ever wrote
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:43 am
by paulk1
I honestly don't see how I'm self-centered by only posting how I was so excited and happy to find a site that is dedicated to the guitars I have a passion for, a site that I learned from on how to do what I do, and a site that I hope to help someone else out by posting my pics just like how when I needed help and learned what I know by looking at videos and pics from this site, I am not advertising anything, in fact to prove it I will never post that I am selling these to anyone on here , trust me I sell these necks quick, I finished the neck I just posted here 2 days ago, I posted it online somewhere else at 11pm last night and went to check if anyone was just looking at it and it was already sold 8 am this morning and already I got the payment 220 in my paypal, I gave people the option to auction and someone just went and bought it at my asking price, I sell them for alot more reasonable prices than any other sites or dealers, I know a few companies that charge 100 extra for blocks and 100 extra for bindings and that's not the neck price that's just those two additions, and the neck unfinished at 400 350 290 all kinds of crazy prices where I sell them for between 200-300 completely finished sometimes fully loaded, tuners and neck plate, I dont know where I went wrong on here because I haven't been trying to sell them here, and the photos, I posted pics because I learned from the pics here and thought that it's what people wanna see,
But these same few guys got somthong against me, and I think its real out of control at this point, there is gotta be someone on this site like an administrator or someone that can stop the harassment,
Someone that will go and read everything I have ever wrote and See that this is bullcrap and this whole thing is getting blown out of control, if anyone smart enough to just simply go back to my few post , they will see I posted a couple threads about my work, not about For sale" just my work , which has to be permitted because I have viewed tons of pictures to learn what I do, I just wish one of those administrator guys would see how people are bashing me for posting pics, hate it but yet still feel the need to write about it, and maybe something can be done about this mess I'm in and I can feel good when I log in here not scared about how will I be insulted this time I log in, why,why should I have to deal with that, I won't ever sell anything to someone here because I don't need to, but I get treated like I'm trying to sell when I'm not, playing innocent, look man, I am freaking innocent, if you don't think so go back to my post and READ , you'll find out I wasn't saying that I wanna sell, and the pics are just pics, not evidence of selfcentered
Re: update on the two necks i am currently working on
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:16 pm
by plopswagon
that last post should have looked like this:
paulk1 wrote:I shot this picture yesterday when i did
the block inlays , i finished them all in about 3 hours, but it sucked outside, by me it was 99 degrees and all the dust from the
indian rosewood fretboard was sticking to me because i was sweating outside, and than when i
ground the blocks flush with the fretboard, the
celluloid plastic was all over me too, i was itching like hell., still am after 4 showers since than, but its all in a days work, anyway, god bless all, enjoy the pics, and the 30 minutes you gotta wait to see them
I fixed spelling in red but the general illiteracy I left in for flavor
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:29 pm
by cur
Rosewood(s): irritant, sensitizer/respiratory, eye & skin/extreme/dust, wood/common
Know your woods. Some are bad some are not. You might want to wear long sleeves and mask. A fan at your back may help. When you shower after working with it, and the dust is coating you, do a quick rinse with cold water. This will close your pores fast the dust will come off and not get trapped.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:34 pm
by Addam
Paul, your work looks really good but I have a couple of hopefully constructive criticisms;
Your posts are incredibly hard to read. So break it down into paragraphs.
Stop mentioning money, talking numbers makes you seem like a money-grabbing bastard, which I'm sure you aren't.
Maybe just put one of your necks in the classifieds section, see if you get some interest.
Oh and because I'm an uber snob, I hate the plastic truss rod hole on modern Fenders.
It looks cheap, so I much prefer the heel adjust necks.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:54 am
by paulk1
fuck it, you guy win, the last ass hole just made me sick to my stomach.... i first posted over here how excited i was to post these pics, and than everyone started to bash me worse than ever. jersey shore?, why the fuck you would write something like that,...
stratphobic wrote:first, i can't stop laughing at this thread. second, to the OP, why not just tint the necks instead of staining them guido orange? third, i'd rather have an albino, bone white neck than one that looks like it belongs on the jersey shore. forth, you should be kicked off of eBay for selling necks with counterfeit decals and serial numbers on them. also, i'm tired of seeing that shitty ugly ass jagmaster on every fucking forum i'm on. smash it to hell and put it out of it's misery.
what is your problem man, why the Fuck would you write something like that to me, you dont even know me, if you dont wanna see my guitar, than get a FUCKING life instead of sitting you FAT fucking ass on the computer all day and night waiting for someone your jealous of to post something better than yours and than make fun of it,
you dont have to see my guitar, this thread is old, you must of been searching threw old shit on the threads section to find someone to fuck with, keep doing it and ill report you
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:12 am
by Sparky
Why do you stain the headstock so dark?
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:33 am
by ultratwin
Sparky wrote:Why do you stain the headstock so dark?
Either that or I think I can see the finish line through my fingers as I painfully read this thread for the first time.
about the dark stain
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:58 am
by paulk1
i cant get the stain to be even, the only thing i havent learned to do good yet, i was actually reading about it today, but thats what i started this thread about originally actually
Re: about the dark stain
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:13 am
by cur
paulk1 wrote:i cant get the stain to be even, the only thing i havent learned to do good yet, i was actually reading about it today, but thats what i started this thread about originally actually
Well why didn't you just say that to start with. You might want to try this product. If you do want to stain.
Not sure why to stain, if you use an initial oil based you finish like Danish oil it give an amber tint anyway without being anemic looking like water based finishes can be.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:02 am
by stratphobic
first, i can't stop laughing at this thread. second, to the OP, why not just tint the necks instead of staining them guido orange? third, i'd rather have an albino, bone white neck than one that looks like it belongs on the jersey shore. forth, you should be kicked off of eBay for selling necks with counterfeit decals and serial numbers on them. also, i'm tired of seeing that shitty ugly ass jagmaster on every fucking forum i'm on. smash it to hell and put it out of it's misery.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:24 pm
by paulk1
stratphobic wrote:first, i can't stop laughing at this thread. second, to the OP, why not just tint the necks instead of staining them guido orange? third, i'd rather have an albino, bone white neck than one that looks like it belongs on the jersey shore. forth, you should be kicked off of eBay for selling necks with counterfeit decals and serial numbers on them. also, i'm tired of seeing that shitty ugly ass jagmaster on every fucking forum i'm on. smash it to hell and put it out of it's misery.
what is your problem man, why the Fuck would you write something like that to me, you dont even know me, if you dont wanna see my guitar, than get a FUCKING life instead of sitting you FAT fucking ass on the computer all day and night waiting for someone your jealous of to post something better than yours and than make fun of it,
you dont have to see my guitar, this thread is old, you must of been searching threw old shit on the threads section to find someone to fuck with, keep doing it and ill report you
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:33 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
paulk1 wrote:you dont have to see my guitar
unless he was to click on one of your threads, a'course.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:10 pm
by Stuart
paulk1 wrote: keep doing it and ill report you
Pot throws stone at kettle well both are in glass house.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:37 pm
by cur
Didn't see that coming.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:46 pm
by stratphobic
paulk1 wrote:stratphobic wrote:first, i can't stop laughing at this thread. second, to the OP, why not just tint the necks instead of staining them guido orange? third, i'd rather have an albino, bone white neck than one that looks like it belongs on the jersey shore. forth, you should be kicked off of eBay for selling necks with counterfeit decals and serial numbers on them. also, i'm tired of seeing that shitty ugly ass jagmaster on every fucking forum i'm on. smash it to hell and put it out of it's misery.
what is your problem man, why the Fuck would you write something like that to me, you dont even know me, if you dont wanna see my guitar, than get a FUCKING life instead of sitting you FAT fucking ass on the computer all day and night waiting for someone your jealous of to post something better than yours and than make fun of it,
you dont have to see my guitar, this thread is old, you must of been searching threw old shit on the threads section to find someone to fuck with, keep doing it and ill report you
lmao. my ass isn't fat, so you must have body issues to where you have to make fun of other people to make yourself feel better.
i'm not jealous of your
jagmaster because i'd rather play my real jaguar. i make fun of your guitar because you took a jagmaster, filled in the trem, hacked it with a dremel and added chrome control plate and call it a jaguar. it's still a fucking jagmaster. like they say, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. oink oink motherfucker!
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:47 pm
by stratphobic
hotrodperlmutter wrote:paulk1 wrote:you dont have to see my guitar
unless he was to click on one of your threads, a'course.
seriously. i clicked on this thread thinking there was going to be some useful information. guess that's what i get for thinking.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:55 am
by paulk1
How is my guitar still a jagmAster, well the guitar I'm selling because I'm actually getting a sumburst MIJ Jaguar delivered sometime next week, can't wait to post those pics, but anyway, my guitar now has AVRI Jazzmaster pickups pickguard bridge term assembly all jaguar switches , 1meg pots lead Meg. Rhythm 1 Meg .003 caps 56 k resistors, underneath those plates, not just control plates, I used a semoir Duncan schemtic the neck was even sold and everything else jagmaster I threw out, you can't tell me you see anything jagmaster on my guitar except the body , the wood, not even the neck
I just can't figure this site out,?? I sware to god, the way I learned everything I know from this site , from people posting the stuff I post , pics , describing what's going on in the pics, and whatever,
And than it's the same story everytime, you guys just start rippin on me and tellin me how shity my guitar is , learn how to post pics,
I'm not here to learn how to post pics, or spell , what the he'll I's this shot, I was on the classifieds section and saw a nice neck and posted how much I like it and might buy it, and within 15 minutes someone posted this GIF that he made of my pics and than me holding my guitar saying, " deal wit it"wearing sunglasses, WTF is that, I have psychos stalking me , making GIFS of me mocking me on every post, following me on this site, what's the deal with you guys?
It's like everyday another person jumps on the band wagon and doesn't even know what's going on but just feels the need to ripp on me along with everyone else, and no one can find something I did that's against the rules so they make up stupid shit, like "you can't spell, or "learn to use photobucket"
I think the way you guys treat me is a little worse than me posting pics and saying how happy I am to find a site that I can share pics oft work, I
Like for example, the guy above this post that wrote how shity my guitar is, I used to go on this site once in a while in the past before I was a member, and I would see someone doing a guitar build and the person would post all these pics about the guitar and everyone would be like," wow, nice, great guitar man, nice build, how did you do that'" shit like that,
Not the shit I am being put threw, everyday it's another put down, I've heard it all I think, every picture I post has some one or a couple people knocking it, tearing it apart
I heard from the bad spelling to the jersey shore to my guitar sucks, when at guitar center everyone that works there where so impressed with it, or would walk by me a say, " great guitar" because those people are normal, not rude ass people that never ever have anything good to say, do you guys treat everyone like this, I think I asked that before, this is gonna stop , I gotta stop going on here posting pics, I get the point, I got 2emails about buildings necks for rep different members and they both said something like " don't listen to those people, their just imature or something, and these two guys I guess it is want me to build them each a neck,
But with how everyone here is ficking with me, I dont even know if they are serious, I guess Illl find out when they read my reply saying I need a 100 down payment for insurance purpose, that they won't back out while I'm halfway down building, if I buy a mustang or bronco neck, and do the work to it, and than they don't want it, it won't be as easy selling it as a strat neck that I could've been building instead,
But I will stop posting threads , just stay a member for other reasons, I like to see pictures of others work, not like you weirdos, I have respect for people with the same interest, not dissss them
Jersey shore , grow up, you know, I wad just with my brother and showed him the GIF and he was like" What the he'll, are they serious, what did you do so bad that they would spend the time to make that GIf to mock you, that's psycho!" so I sat down with him and showed him all my post and all we see is how I posted pictures, talked about them and how excited I wad to post them, how much I love this stuff, happy to find this site and so on, and all of a sudden started to get one bad remark after another, and than others would start jumping in and ganging upon me and making all this look so bad, you guys really know how to welcome a newcomer on this website, I was so happy to join this site and you guys really won, now I'm not happy to be here , who would be ? I don't know why? I do knowxi have bad luck on this site, maybe I'll just stick to hanging out with real people again, I do miss going out, ever since I have been obsessing with this guitar stuff building day and night, I miss chillin with my friends and family, I gotta slow down with the necks, I reached my goal for this month, to buy a MIJ JAG... I think once I get that I'll just jam with my friends and self more , can't wait
I used to not like sunburst, but for some reason, I love the MIJ jaguar with sunburst , the one I won has a few nicks and scratches on it, but I'm cool with that, it will look more vintagey
So long story short, good buy guys, illpray for you, shod bless all