ok, where do i start, hummmm, you guys are right, i do sometimes ramble about a bunch of different things at once, but thats just my adhd, with the weird spellings, that i blame on my iphone and myself typing really fast on it and not noticing the spell check or correct, which ever it is, and sometimes it fixes words that arent supposed to be fixed, and i take responsibilitly for not looking at what i just wrote, and i never made any real money on this site by posting my work, exept for some bits and bobs on the classifieds section with recent Mascis parts i had no use for and long time ago, two necks, the Warmoth Jazzmaster and the mex strat neck, "tom delong, but i B&B'ed it , and they didnt even sell on here, they ended up selling on ebay anyway, so with the super fair prices i posted those necks for on this site and they didnt sell, i dont even bother trying to sell my necks on this site, so i strictly just post neck projects as projects,
i mean if i pay 200 for a tom delong strat neck on ebay and almost 80 bucks for supplies, bindings, block material, poly, sandpapers, etc, and than post it for sale for 300 and it doesnt sell on here after almost 2 weeks of non stop day and night work , im talking literally i sit there non stop , sometimes forget to eat, working on a neck to get it done , thats how into it i get, than i realize people on here arent willing to spend what i spent on the neck and supplies , nevermind the labor, are you kidding me, aside from a neck being worth 250 used with dings, i strip it, and B&B it, than refret, and refinish it to make it look factory finish brand new, and no one here is interested in it, i gave up trying to sell necks here, so trust me im not rying to publisize myself for a sale on here, its a hobby,, and yes. i do sell most of it, but to post a neck on here and not be able to sell it for what i paid for everything, without a profit, its beyond me, so i am not trying to sell and promote myself on this thread especially, just to get that clear, i mean ask yourselves, if you had the capabilitly to do this exact thing, and paid almost 300 for all the stuff you were working with, the neck, bindings, block material, frets, sand papers , stains, wood conditioners, drill , all the tools involved, etc, and it was nearly 300 for a neck that turned out like the ones i modd, and no one was interested in it, but yet, no one in person , like at guitar center or sam ash even believed you that you buit it, and you couldnt sell it free of labor, would you try to continue to sell it at that site,
anyway. im getting off track, i do this for fun, and if dont need it after its done, i get rid of it, selling it where ever i do isnt the point, the point is it is a guitar project and im posting it in the guitar project section, although its a little difficult to type due to the cuts on my fingers and glue from the work, i just think that some people dont think of the pain that is involved either, do you know what its like to have to eat with rubber gloves on, because of all the cutts on my fingers from the work that the salt and spices would burn the shit out of my fingers so bad that running my fingers under cold or hot water for a half hour wouldnt even help,
yeah, and than tell me i dont deserve to make any profit for what i do, or i suck , i can imagine being on your side of the computer just viewing what i do, its probably just " laaady daaaH; " but you dont know if you dont know,
now i love what i do , and im gonna do it, i still do even when theres pain involved, and too much time taken out of my life that i dont even have time to take my new laptop out of the freakin box and set it up, thats how much i love to do the work, and i got th macbookpro friday, and just took it out of the box today, while fretting the mascis neck,
so , here are some recent pics, this is what i have done after new years company has left and i was able to get back to my work and setting up my new laptop,
shit, i dont know even which pics to start with, if you guys even knew how many pics i have, actually thats why i went out and bought the Macbook pro, needed more ram, this white macbook is stuffed, the new one will be for the music my band makes with logic pro, and the final product photos, this macbook will be for all the photos of "the process of the making of the guitars i do", if that makes sense, and the "Pro: " is nice and clean to take around when i go out, this white one is a little scrathed up from keeping it near my work area, than i have the mac desktop for just regular interneting and movie editing, my bands videos mostly, my brother edits those but here are some of the recent shots,
oh first, the tools i use that someone requested i post, i will explain as i post
this is all i use to make binding channels and the block inlay holes, wood carving kits, exacto blades and razors. with the bindings channels i use the diamond file shown to make the channel perfectly straight along with sand paper, 150 grit,
these are finishing supplies i use, wet and dry sandpapers, along with steel wool before i use wood conditioner and the secret to getting the stain perfectly evn and not soak into the wood and make little black specs is to use steel wool from ruff to the finest grade, than wood conditioner, spary a couple coats of polyurethane, than use gel stain of your choice in color, otherwise youll get a uneven stain with blotches and little black specs , i mastered it, reading reranch and from learning the hard way,
after wetanding the dryed up polyurethane finish, i wetsand with 800 grit up to 2, 500 grit wetsand, than use automotive turtle wax to remove the swirls that you only see in certain angles and than use car wax polish, than it looks like glass,
this is the glue i faithfully use for bindings and blocks, the "Loctite blue glue you see there is the one for bindings, i have red so many threads on different sites, even on the "Stewart Macdonald site" where i order my bindings, that epoxy doesnt work , or a bunch of other glues, where the next day after removing the binding tape, the bindings pop off, thats terrible, i never will try it, i first tried this glue, and never did me wrong, the strongst bond, the stuff is like 8 bucks for a little bottle, but enough for the neck, and has amazing results, i use it for the bindings , the side dots and the blocks mixed with duco cement or any other brand multi purpose cement,
now, doing the frets, this is what i use, a diamond file, sand paper, same grits as mentioned before, a rubber mallet to bang the frets into the fet slots and the bluc "Loctitie glue to glue the frets in, with a thin metal fret tool that you can buy at stewart mcdonald, with a space in the middle for the fret so that when you sand and polish the fret , you dont touch the fretboard,
and pliers or something that is simular to wire cutters, but you can find them on ebay or stewart mcdonald . special tool for cutting the underneath of the fret, tang nippers they are called, so the fret hangs over the bindings, on the far left of the photo below
on the left is my soldering tools and supplies for rewiring. and the right of the tool box is were i keep my fret tools
i noticed that these pictures are a little smaller so you can click on them them to see them bigger if you really want the same product
to sum up the tool thing, this is just all my stuff i acumilated in the past months , i use a small "Dremel rotory tool to make the holes for the side dots because it has a slow speed and thats all i need for that specific part of the process,
along with a sanding wheel, and the long wooden tool you see is a beem i use to level the frets after installed with sandpaper taped to it and ran up and down the neck to make the frets level, great tool, "stewart mac as well, all sizes
i think that covers the tools, heres a shot of the side dots being made
you can see its a cylinder stick that you drill a hole for , than glue the stick in and slice off , sand , and you have a side dot
now stripping the neck was a bea otch, i know a couple people said to leave the original " squier logo", but i couldnt even if i wanted to because this neck had so many layers or either laquer or polyuethane than it was chipping unevenly while i was scoring down the sides of the neck to make my line for the channel to be carved for the bindings that i had to scrape off and sand the original finish to get the binding channel cut without chipping away randomly and uneven, so i had to d=sand the whole neck to even do the work to it and the place i get decals from doesnt even make "squier" decals, and if if i had to replace the decal, and had n choice, im gonna atleast use a jazzmaster decal, not leave it blank, because i know i wouldnt want it blank if i bought it from a luthier,
just take a look at how much laquer was on this neck , its was the thickest i have ever encountered, it was crazy, they really coated this thing for a nuclear war it seems,
it was like amber from jurassic park,
i did a few fender necks and left th original decal on them because while scoring the line down the side of the neck for the binding channel to be cut never chipped away unevenly like this, i was always able to keep the original stain, or just match the little spots i sanded threw, but this was a different story,
so, finally getting thew all the top coat, which took actually scraping away with my blades, than sanding, there was no way to salvage that :"squier " decal, oh well, i thought it would look better with a restoration decal anyway, personally, i respect others opinions, but im not crazy about squier, thats why the cheapest necks i modd are mexican strat necks from 2002, those tom delong necks, or Warmoth,
so this is it sanded down and bindings finished
anyway, moving right along, one thing i dont like doing too much is carving out the dried up super glue that seeped into the fret slots, very hard proccess,
but you can see how good and tight that glue binds those bindings to the fretboard and i coated it with a couple coats of polyurethane so that when i apply the translucent gel stain tommorrow , it will not soak into the wood unevenly, that the one thing i am happy i learned to do, it looks so profeesional done that way, youll see when i do it and post it,
more shots of how tight and perfect that bind is with this glue i use, get it at walmart, or online, and to think people try all kinds of epoxyies and have so many problems, and this stuff is at walmart, and works like a charm
tight, coated with the poly before gel stain
here are some better shots with my better camera of the first coat of polyurethane, (before the stain). and it looks and feels smooth almost as if it was wetsanded because of the steel wool 0000, before spraying, worth it, it makes the rest of the finishing sprays and staining alot easier to wet sand if its already smooth as glass, its all about preperation,
im already more than half way fretting the neck and will finish the frets in about another hour tommorow morning, than stain, spray, let dry and decal, than spray let dry and wet sand,
i have a dark walnut stain for the fretboard, almost ebony, its gonna look nice, and a dark maple for the maple of the neck, than the spagetti decal,
i know, i shouldve left the decal, but impossible with the circumstances of the way the bindings went and paint chipping off, it wouldve lookd like shit, and i wont let my work look like shit after all the money i and physical pain i put into it along with enjoyment, im odd, i know but dont care, anyway.
one of the weird things about this neck i noticed is that after all that scraping with blades and sanding with 150 grit paper, the stamped date on the heel was still there when that is usually the first thing to go , check it out
and lastly, i mentioned at first in this reply that i havent even had time to start messin with my new macbook pro or even take it out of the box, well i stopped working aroound 9 pm and opened it up, im backing up alot of my stuff to the new macbook pro, but will still use this as my laptop for my workstation, to document and store "the making of" photos and videos of my projects, by the way, i have been making videos of this work as well, not this neck, but my last strat neck, same idea, one day when i find the time, i will "IMOVIe it" and post to youtube for you guys to view, instead of just looking at these still shots, im looking forward to that, and i will make that video with my new laptop, thats what i got that for , my band, final photos of my work, like a portfolio, and vids and recordings of my band, logic pro, etc, .
and this is the neck i ordered for this jazzmaster to keep as the neck for this jazzmaster, of course im going to do the same work to it because its just the look im shooting for but i think i will look real cool with that headstock, and i might use the "Jazzmaster decal, without the "swirls, " i seen a custom shop jazzmaster on ebay with a headstock like this and the 68' decal with just the "Fender jazzmaster offset decals, no swirls, and it looked bad, so i think i might do that, but either way, this is the neck im getting for this guitar,
before and after almost, but im farther now, but for the hell of it, wanted to see this for my self
good night and more to come tommorow, i know i always spell tommorow wrong, fuck it, night yall