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Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:23 pm
by taylornutt
Exhibit B (from ... highlight=)


Amplify my Mouth

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:31 pm
by dots
looks like he's going to be spending his summer in


Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:33 pm
by rodvonbon
laterallateral wrote:What saddens me is that given what you just said and the sheer stupidity it implies, I can't hep but feel we're the ones who equipped him with the idea to con somebody on ebay with his guitar... Like he's clearly not smart enough for the thought to even occur to him on it's own.
If you read into any of his previous posts you can see that he is clearly some type of sociopath. He get's defensive at every slight of his skillz and natural born (lack of) talent.
He's a New Jersey, over tanned wanna be with a small dick that has no conscience. In his mind, what he's doing is perfectly justified and he still lives at home. I'd bet he rapes women too and when he can't get it up he cries into his pillow giving a half hearted five knuckle shuffle to his limp man pussy, while wiping away his tears with his mothers underpants.

That's just an opinion though.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:37 pm
by benecol
rodvonbon wrote:That's just an autobiography though.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:50 pm
by rodvonbon
benecol wrote:That hit a little too close to home

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:02 pm
by stewart

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:16 pm
by sholkham
If you see a limited edition B+B thinline jag on ebay be suspicious :lol:

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:34 pm
by Leisureclub
This guy is such a fucking trip.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:52 pm
by moob
rodvonbon wrote:
laterallateral wrote:What saddens me is that given what you just said and the sheer stupidity it implies, I can't hep but feel we're the ones who equipped him with the idea to con somebody on ebay with his guitar... Like he's clearly not smart enough for the thought to even occur to him on it's own.
If you read into any of his previous posts you can see that he is clearly some type of sociopath. He get's defensive at every slight of his skillz and natural born (lack of) talent.
He's a New Jersey, over tanned wanna be with a small dick that has no conscience. In his mind, what he's doing is perfectly justified and he still lives at home. I'd bet he rapes women too and when he can't get it up he cries into his pillow giving a half hearted five knuckle shuffle to his limp man pussy, while wiping away his tears with his mothers underpants.

That's just an opinion though.
This is one of the single greatest insults I've ever seen on the information super highway.

lulzasaurus rex

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:53 pm
by plopswagon
moob wrote:
rodvonbon wrote:
laterallateral wrote:What saddens me is that given what you just said and the sheer stupidity it implies, I can't hep but feel we're the ones who equipped him with the idea to con somebody on ebay with his guitar... Like he's clearly not smart enough for the thought to even occur to him on it's own.
If you read into any of his previous posts you can see that he is clearly some type of sociopath. He get's defensive at every slight of his skillz and natural born (lack of) talent.
He's a New Jersey, over tanned wanna be with a small dick that has no conscience. In his mind, what he's doing is perfectly justified and he still lives at home. I'd bet he rapes women too and when he can't get it up he cries into his pillow giving a half hearted five knuckle shuffle to his limp man pussy, while wiping away his tears with his mothers underpants.

That's just an opinion though.
This is one of the single greatest insults I've ever seen on the information super highway.

lulzasaurus rex

Re: Fender Jaguar Thinline pictures

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:29 pm
by speedfish
Amplify my mouth wrote:My newest guitar, not a traditional Jaguar but definitely unique and worth the money, the craftsmanship of this guitar is impressive , I love the finish, polyester , I haven't had a polyester finished jag before. The sound is beautiful , very CRISP, more so than my 97 CIJ Jag, and the action is ten times better, very low action, almost touching the intake style frets, and with the .10's stock strings, no buzzing, a little bit more sustain and echo I guess due to the F note cut out and semi hollow body, the bindings are really nice and totally go great with this guitar

I have always admired my friends Les Paul for the way the body and neck are bound but I'm not a Gibson fan at all, and I wanted to keep playing a guitar that has the sound capability like the Jaguar, and look. Now I have a Jaguar that has the classic look of flat top and back body with bindings, and the F note cut away that I always liked on guitars.

The neck bindings are a little shorter than a pre CBS or CBS bound neck and side dots are under the bindings, but I love it anyway, the finish is so perfect. I can't believe have awesome this guitar is.
I purchased it from Sweet water .com and was only 1,499.00 instead of the price I was first going to pay for 2,100.00
The original price. So I am very happy it dropped in price

Supposedly there are only 250 of these made and only 100 of them in 3 tone sunburst like mine, I am going to pretty much leave this guitar all original, no mods except I put new tuners on it, the fender vintage style kluson duosonic plastic tops buttons tuners, they look great with the bindings . I will post a newer pic later of the new tuners on it,
Here is a pic

DSCN5074 by amplify my mouth, on Flickr
That is the tuxedo of Jaguars! Truely stunning! Do you miss the body contours?


Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 1:17 pm
by Mike
I think he misses posting on shortscale more.

Re: Fender Jaguar Thinline pictures

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 3:38 pm
by othomas2
speedfish wrote:
Amplify my mouth wrote:My newest guitar, not a traditional Jaguar but definitely unique and worth the money, the craftsmanship of this guitar is impressive , I love the finish, polyester , I haven't had a polyester finished jag before. The sound is beautiful , very CRISP, more so than my 97 CIJ Jag, and the action is ten times better, very low action, almost touching the intake style frets, and with the .10's stock strings, no buzzing, a little bit more sustain and echo I guess due to the F note cut out and semi hollow body, the bindings are really nice and totally go great with this guitar

I have always admired my friends Les Paul for the way the body and neck are bound but I'm not a Gibson fan at all, and I wanted to keep playing a guitar that has the sound capability like the Jaguar, and look. Now I have a Jaguar that has the classic look of flat top and back body with bindings, and the F note cut away that I always liked on guitars.

The neck bindings are a little shorter than a pre CBS or CBS bound neck and side dots are under the bindings, but I love it anyway, the finish is so perfect. I can't believe have awesome this guitar is.
I purchased it from Sweet water .com and was only 1,499.00 instead of the price I was first going to pay for 2,100.00
The original price. So I am very happy it dropped in price

Supposedly there are only 250 of these made and only 100 of them in 3 tone sunburst like mine, I am going to pretty much leave this guitar all original, no mods except I put new tuners on it, the fender vintage style kluson duosonic plastic tops buttons tuners, they look great with the bindings . I will post a newer pic later of the new tuners on it,
Here is a pic

DSCN5074 by amplify my mouth, on Flickr
That is the tuxedo of Jaguars! Truely stunning! Do you miss the body contours?

Amplify my mouth wrote:No I just cover them with Apple stickers

Re: warm, bright

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:40 pm
by jumbledupthinking
Amplify my mouth wrote:i will post a short video of my jag thin line later today, most likely on this thread, its just this thread looks a mess with all those photo bucket errors above, but i want to publish a video because the only videos i have seen are those japans dudes in japan and i don't understand them speaking.
This is a classic PaulK1 bit of syntax right here...Now he's been banhammered again, he'll have more time to totally do an modd 'til his fingers look like blood-encrusted Ricicles & this guitar is resplendent with ugly-ass off kilter blocks & good to be sold on to some poor hapless fuck on Evilbay. Circle of life and all that. :roll:

Re: warm, bright

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:06 pm
by mixtape
Amplify my mouth wrote:i will post a short video of my jag thin line later today, most likely on this thread, its just this thread looks a mess with all those photo bucket errors above, but i want to publish a video because the only videos i have seen are those japans dudes in japan and i don't understand them speaking.
jumbledupthinking wrote:This is a classic PaulK1 bit of syntax right here...
Commas are the blocks and binding of punctuation.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:38 pm
by NickS
taylornutt wrote:Exhibit B (from ... highlight=)


Amplify my Mouth
Excellent spot!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:42 pm
by stewart
mine was better.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:48 pm
by benecol
... in that it came before the fact, mainly.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:48 pm
by NickS
Better spot, agreed. The pics were taking forever to load at work so I didn't see yours earlier. But his pictures are easier to compare

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:30 am
by taylornutt
stewart wrote:mine was better.
You totally proved the point with your original pics. I just happend to see the shot the same guitar cable, amp and wall photo and thought I would share.