So I got the guitar yesterday. It's really nice except the previous owner left the pickguard cover on the pickguard and it almost melted to it and got a weird texture so it took forever to get that off. Then the sharpie.. I tried everything, rubbing alcohol to magic erasers. Nothing untill I used toothpaste. Yeah it's completely gone down but there's some scuffs in it from it so I'm gonna buy a pro kit I guess they are called to get it back to the former shine. Pics maybe later.
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Thanks. It's cool cus if you look really close its got some kinda sparkle in the orange. Candy Apple orange or.. Candy Orange Orange... How does that work?
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Dokterrock wrote:Am I the only one who thinks that a nice tortoise pickguard would look good on everything? That's what I get for being colorblind, I guess.
"The only one...?" No way. Tort is my first option almost every time because I like both the organic vibe and the vintage look. Just put tort on my TV Yellow Les Paul Special and it looks like it was meant to be.
I didnt notice all these posts. She sounds good though. Only thing to do to it is fix the scuff marks :/ but everyone i showed it to never noticed it til i pointed them out so i might just leave em.
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