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Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:56 pm
by Fran
ekwatts wrote:Also, me and Jim had a Sound City 4x12 cab when we had the Hiwatt but I think we lent it out when the Hiwatt was bought and I've no idea where it is. Probably worth asking him when I see him again.
Definitely! Way more economical than building something or buying some Thomann tat. Just trying to be honest and helpful mate, i learnt some stuff playing that kind of music, its a different ball game.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:25 pm
by othomas2
Haven't read the bulk of this thread but.. You gotta give the Dark Terror a try, it's insanely good in my opinion... wipes the floor with the tiny / dual terror.

You can achieve a range of sounds with that shape knob.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:55 pm
by stewart
"What you want is a 4x10 bass cab, Eric. The one that I have that's a pain in the arse to lift would be ideal, then I could get a sensible 2x12" said Stewart

"YES, THAT IS IDEAL" said Eric.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:57 pm
by Bacchus
You probably want a wall of cabs, in fairness. I'd stop being fussy about which ones are "right" and start collecting. They're all "right" if you have all of them rigged up at once.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:22 am
by ekwatts
BacchusPaul wrote:You probably want a wall of cabs, in fairness. I'd stop being fussy about which ones are "right" and start collecting. They're all "right" if you have all of them rigged up at once.
Haha, Spinal Tap ahoy. In future all of my band adverts will read "Would like to recreate Sabbath's Born Again on the pub circuit with stonehenge constructed out of cabs. Must own a trucking company."

Saying that, I actually know a drummer who works for a trucking firm...

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:25 am
by DasBeef
ekwatts wrote:
Saying that, I actually know a drummer who works for a fucking trirm...

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:26 am
by wwrrss
ekwatts wrote:
BacchusPaul wrote:You probably want a wall of cabs, in fairness. I'd stop being fussy about which ones are "right" and start collecting. They're all "right" if you have all of them rigged up at once.
Haha, Spinal Tap ahoy. In future all of my band adverts will read "Would like to recreate Sabbath's Born Again on the pub circuit with stonehenge constructed out of cabs. Must own a trucking company."

Saying that, I actually know a drummer who works for a trucking firm...
I won't rock gig without a 4x12 and 2x12 minimum.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:20 am
by Rhysyrhys
My 2p:

Get yourself a 2x12 with some speakers that have a high headroom. I used to use vintage 30s but moved over to these Jensen bastards that I got for cheap. They were rated at 100w each. So loud that at some gigs I actually felt a bit sick standing in front of them when they were turned all the way up. I'll find out the model number, as the ones I had are now ash and dust.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:37 am
by benecol
C-c-c-c-curveball; one of my old students is selling his Marshall JCM 200 DSL and 1960B cab for £650 ono. That'll set your trousers flapping. PM me if you want me to put you in touch.


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:02 am
by ekwatts
Don't get paid for another few weeks, and then I'm probably not going to have enough (have a five week month coming up OH JOY NHS PAY SCHEME) so I might not have enough cash to realise my dreams for another two months yet, unless I sell some stuff by the end of next week. I'll keepp all of your bro-deals in mind if I get lucky though. Thanks everyone, top thread, really helpful!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:33 am
by Bacchus
That Marshall's a fucking bargain.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:45 am
by benecol
Yep, having checked prices online, I'm tempted myself...

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:51 am
by ekwatts
benecol wrote:Yep, having checked prices online, I'm tempted myself...

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:52 am
by Bacchus
It was my dream amp when I was about 16, which is why I saved up almost as much* of my teaching money as that's going for to get as close as I could in a AVT150 half stack.

Think there's a typo in your post, shouldn't it be JCM 2000 DSL 100**? 200 makes it sound like it's a 200 watt JCM, which doesn't exist.

* - probably a fair whack more, adjusted for inflation.

** - another reason why this was a dream amp. I didn't know of any other amps that had as many letters and numbers in the model name. These things were important.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:58 am
by stewart
I know it's not as jizzworthy as a matamp et al, but that selmer I bought was about £80. 50 watts (lel), absolutely mind-meltingly loud. Run that through a 4x12 and a 1x15 and you could kill a sheep, easy. They crop up on eBay quite regularly.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:07 am
by Freddy V-C
stewart wrote:I know it's not as jizzworthy as a matamp et al, but that selmer I bought was about £80. 50 watts (lel), absolutely mind-meltingly loud. Run that through a 4x12 and a 1x15 and you could kill a sheep, easy. They crop up on eBay quite regularly.
£80!? FUCK.

I was considering buying a Dual Terror at some point. But fuck that if I can get a Selmer for under £100.

Can anyone give me a good reason NOT to do this?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:55 am
by benecol
BacchusPaul wrote:... shouldn't it be JCM 2000 DSL 100?
You are, of course, right. I missed off a nought. Well spotted.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:49 pm
by stewart
Freddy V-C wrote:
stewart wrote:I know it's not as jizzworthy as a matamp et al, but that selmer I bought was about £80. 50 watts (lel), absolutely mind-meltingly loud. Run that through a 4x12 and a 1x15 and you could kill a sheep, easy. They crop up on eBay quite regularly.
£80!? FUCK.

I was considering buying a Dual Terror at some point. But fuck that if I can get a Selmer for under £100.

Can anyone give me a good reason NOT to do this?
(un)helpfully i can't remember the exact amount i paid, nor find any record of the transaction.

p.s. there's two SG-200s on ebay at the moment, one in glasgow sitting at £101.99

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:07 pm
by moogmusic
stewart wrote:I know it's not as jizzworthy as a matamp et al, but that selmer I bought was about £80. 50 watts (lel), absolutely mind-meltingly loud. Run that through a 4x12 and a 1x15 and you could kill a sheep, easy. They crop up on eBay quite regularly.
What model be that?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:11 pm
by stewart
treble 'n' bass.
