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Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:45 am
by jbgron
Thanks guys. I guess this is how they're meant to sound...I'm getting new pickups!

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:52 am
by George
a lot of people consider lace sensors for their mustangs cos it keeps the looks (i think they're terrible), or you should look for flat pole piece designs that will fit under the cover, if that's important to you. or you can hammer the pole pieces flat if you're feeling adventurous

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:52 pm
by StevePirates
He previously measured the combined resistance in parallel. His pups are working as designed They are just quieter than he'd prefer, which is a common complain with his guitar. Replacement pups will save the day!

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:44 pm
by weeping_moon
If you want new pickups i recommend these: ... ling-strat

Air norton s
Dimarzio bc1
Dimarzio bc 2
The chopper have tried these can recommend them all.

Some say that fast track is good.
And of course you have super distortion to.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:13 pm
by Fran
What sound are you going for?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:45 pm
by jbgron
I want to have similar output levels to a strat but without sounding exactly like a strat. I want them to look like Mustang pickups too. The Fralins are the front runners at the moment. Money is not really an issue.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:47 am
by Phil O'Keefe
taylornutt wrote:I think they should have an output in the 5 -6K range.
That's fairly typical. Most of the ones I've measured have been in the 5.5 - 6.5k range. I don't think I've ever seen a stock Mustang pup that hit 7k, and never anything lower than 5k. If it's in the 2-3k range, something's not right...

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:01 pm
by Mike
jbgron wrote:Thanks for the quick reply. Here are some pictures as requested.

Marshall 6100 FOR LYFE <3

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:32 pm
by George
jbgron wrote:I want to have similar output levels to a strat but without sounding exactly like a strat. I want them to look like Mustang pickups too. The Fralins are the front runners at the moment. Money is not really an issue.
i think that'll be a little tricky as the strat sounds are really down to the pickup positions and bridge

however, that said i think pitching a bit higher in output would help compensate as mustangs don't have as much low end oomph compared to a strat. maybe 8-9k in the bridge, 6-7k in the neck. it may also be worth considering whether you want alnico 2, 3 or 5.

i'd also opt for staggered pole pieces and ditch the covers to get better string separation and response too (in my opinion) but that's not really a big deal, plus you want the pickup covers so you'll have to go for flat pole pieces or be prepared to hammer them down

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:07 pm
by jbgron
Thanks again guys. I've ordered the Fralins and I'll post back here and let you all know what I think of them.