I never had a guitar god to look upon when I started playing, I love Sonic Youth but they aren't an influence on my playing. Some how, the sound of jazz guitar was an ideal, but I can barely play and jazz is not what I set out to do.
Jaguar and Danelectro: Friends had these guitars, and the quirky looks and supposed cheapness attracted me.
Epi Thunderbird bass: Krist Novoselic played one, and so did Kim Gordon. Krist was a bigger influence, and humbuckers did wonders to hide the pawn shop's bad wiring.
Harmony Hollywood: Everyone in town played solid bodied guitars so I decided to play hollow bodies to go against the norm, also I thought full sized arch top guitars looked cooler than telecasters or Les Pauls.
El Degas LP: Josh Homme and humbuckers rock.
Jack Casady bass: The bassist in Black Rebel Motorcycle Club plays an Epiphone Rivoli, and hollow bodied guitars and basses are cooler.
nearly every indie band from the late 80s early 90s really
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:29 pm
by Freddy V-C
BearBoy wrote:Seem to remember you weren't that enamoured with the SG200 when you first got it? I assume it must have grown on you? Rather depressingly, I think I have had my SG200 since before you were born
Aye, I wasn't really arsed about it at first. There's a bunch of wear which the seller didn't make me aware of, so I was annoyed about that, and I think it put me off the guitar for a bit. But after a month or two it grew on me and, to be honest, it shits all over every other guitar I've owned. Although I'd like to change the bridge pickup at some point.
Like I said, the SG200 was inspired by Fran specifically. But having thought more about it, I'm gonna contradict my original post. My Vintage SG was definitely inspired by a few people; Tony Iommi, Stephen Malkmus and Falco most notably.
I love how there's very little that can go wrong with an SG. It's a lot like a Tele in that respect. In fact, my Vintage SG is arguably more like a Tele with the pickups I've got in it (taken from BobArseCake's Squier VM Jaguar).
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:53 pm
by BobArsecake
They were Mike's.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:39 pm
by Freddy V-C
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:42 pm
by Fran
dezb1 wrote:FAO Fran
Had that issue as well
Never knew Charlie Burchill had used a V. Underrated guitarist.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:47 pm
by dezb1
Freddy V-C wrote:
BearBoy wrote:Seem to remember you weren't that enamoured with the SG200 when you first got it? I assume it must have grown on you? Rather depressingly, I think I have had my SG200 since before you were born
Aye, I wasn't really arsed about it at first. There's a bunch of wear which the seller didn't make me aware of, so I was annoyed about that, and I think it put me off the guitar for a bit. But after a month or two it grew on me and, to be honest, it shits all over every other guitar I've owned. Although I'd like to change the bridge pickup at some point.
Like I said, the SG200 was inspired by Fran specifically. But having thought more about it, I'm gonna contradict my original post. My Vintage SG was definitely inspired by a few people; Tony Iommi, Stephen Malkmus and Falco most notably.
I love how there's very little that can go wrong with an SG. It's a lot like a Tele in that respect. In fact, my Vintage SG is arguably more like a Tele with the pickups I've got in it (taken from BobArseCake's Squier VM Jaguar).
I thought falco was a bass player!?
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:55 pm
by dezb1
Fran wrote:
dezb1 wrote:FAO Fran
Had that issue as well
Never knew Charlie Burchill had used a V. Underrated guitarist.
I still have it (or it would have been hard to take that picture). All my playing technique comes from this issue, t'is my bible. All the "alternative" guitar tricks from the Velvet underground's droning strings through the 80s heavily modulated chorus sound to the 90s grunge loud quiet loud... And all points in-between. The dawning of "fuck, that's how you play guitar..." Before this issue I was just posing in front of the mirror.
Charlie's the man, met him a couple if times thoroughly nice bloke...
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:53 pm
by Fran
dezb1 wrote:
Fran wrote:
dezb1 wrote:FAO Fran
Had that issue as well
Never knew Charlie Burchill had used a V. Underrated guitarist.
I still have it (or it would have been hard to take that picture). All my playing technique comes from this issue, t'is my bible. All the "alternative" guitar tricks from the Velvet underground's droning strings through the 80s heavily modulated chorus sound to the 90s grunge loud quiet loud... And all points in-between. The dawning of "fuck, that's how you play guitar..." Before this issue u was just posing in front of the mirror.
Charlie's the man, met him a couple if times thoroughly nice bloke...
It was only recently I cleared all my mags out.
At the time I loved them, especially Total Guitar. I got loads of ideas from them and because I never bothered with the audio CD it was usually my own interpretation taken from the tabs.
I know what you mean, it dragged me away from barre chords and all that.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:01 pm
by dezb1
It has lived the last 20 years in I a zip lock bag on me book shelf, I read it every now and again to remind myself how much I wanted to learn teh guitar... December 1995 eh! Long time ago... It's probably older than Freddy!
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:05 pm
by Noirie.
lol people actually liked Bush.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:43 pm
by Freddy V-C
dezb1 wrote:I thought falco was a bass player!?
Not sure if there's more than one Falco, but the one I'm referring to is the guitarist/vocalist in Future of the Left and used to do the same in mclusky.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:55 pm
by singlepup
Noirie. wrote:lol people actually liked Bush.
Yes, don't remind me. I saw them in concert*
*more than once
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:58 pm
by singlepup
I also forgot that Juliana Hatfield ever existed. I'm guessing our younger posters have never even heard of her?
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:38 pm
by dezb1
Noirie. wrote:lol people actually liked Bush.
Not me... The issue did have some duds in it.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:39 pm
by dezb1
Freddy V-C wrote:
dezb1 wrote:I thought falco was a bass player!?
Not sure if there's more than one Falco, but the one I'm referring to is the guitarist/vocalist in Future of the Left and used to do the same in mclusky.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:51 pm
by Brandon W
Noirie. wrote:lol people actually liked Bush.
i still do.. keep it on the down low
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:02 pm
by timhulio
Juliana Hatfield is actually good. I went through a phase of listening to all her albums about ten years ago. There are many more than you'd imagine. Total System Failure is very good of the later ones. I think they reformed either Blake Babies or Juliana Hatfield Three recently.
Here's a nice live version of Choose Drugs.
Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 3:58 pm
by gusman2x
singlepup wrote:I also forgot that Juliana Hatfield ever existed. I'm guessing our younger posters have never even heard of her?
Only really know her from the come on feel the lemonheads album. Which i loved. A lot.