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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:15 pm
by Fran
Mine has contours and I bypassed the slider switches to a 3-way, it's also got a TOM and Jaguar tremolo. 500k pots with a orange drop cap that is the correct value.

Still dull.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:24 pm
by robroe
That's my point.

Just throw all that shit out. Fuck a bridge pickup.

Just put a really nice pickup in the neck and there ya go. Sounds good and it has the best ever neck ever of ever

I can barely post YouTube's on my PC at home I'll never figure it out on my phone. Just go watch that. I break down my modz


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:42 pm
by Doog
Another patented Rob Roe Solution That Manages To Completely Miss The Point And Not Solve The Problem©

Hey! Just do what I do! I'm a human adult, literally incapable of empathy or self-awareness!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:17 pm
by robroe
Not solve the problem?

I totally solved the problem. My guitar sounds great while you are still pissing your knickers about how bad they all sound 20 years later Lololol.

It's a concept called addition by subtraction. Sometimes you just gotta throw shit out and when you do it's awesome

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:32 pm
by Mike
Your solution didn't fix anything

You just accepted the guitars limitations and kept it for one sound that doog and I have no interest using in place of a bridge pickup

It's equivalent to you suggesting I fix my leaky bucket by using a cardigan

We both sold our jag-stangs and got much better guitars that are more flexible and enjoyable to play and own

No one is pissing in any knickers were just stopping others falling into the same trap

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:46 pm
by Doog
Mike wrote:It's equivalent to you suggesting I fix my leaky bucket by using a cardigan

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:04 pm
by Fran
I rarely use the neck pickup to be honest.
Even when I owned Musicmasters I installed a bridge pickup.

I like the Jagstang for its neck and sentimental reasons in that it was my first offset short scale. But that's about it.

The Duo Sonic has been my favourite for some time. It does the basics right and that's all I need. Mine has got a 65 RI Mustang neck though.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:08 pm
by robroe
Doog wrote:
Mike wrote:It's equivalent to you suggesting I fix my leaky bucket by using a cardigan
More like fix your leaky bucket by throwing out your leaky bucket.

Throw that bridge pickup and all the switches n shit out. Fixed.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:13 pm
by robroe
Mike wrote:
We both sold our jag-stangs and got much better guitars that are more flexible and enjoyable to play and own
I got new and much better guitars too. I wouldn't say any of them are more enjoyable to play since none of them have the best neck ever made

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:18 pm
by BillClay
Bit of a tangent, but isn't the jagstang neck the same thing as a 69ri mustang neck?

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:30 pm
by Fran
BillClay wrote:Bit of a tangent, but isn't the jagstang neck the same thing as a 69ri mustang neck?
As far as I remember yes, some said it was a 65 RI but comparing the two side by side I'd say the 65 neck is better.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:28 pm
by robroe
No. It's neither.

It's it's own thing.

It's tapered down at the nut more than a 69RI and a 65RI feels like a fucking club next to it

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:36 pm
by Fran
robroe wrote:No. It's neither.

It's it's own thing.

It's tapered down at the nut more than a 69RI and a 65RI feels like a fucking club next to it
I disagree Rob. There may be some inconsistency from neck to neck but I have both and can confirm the 65RI is far from a club. It's a thing of beauty.

I'm gonna measure them tomorrow...

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:04 am
by robroe
ok its not a club. but its a lot chunkier than a 69RI neck or a jagstang neck


ooh dear i took the bridge pickup out of the 65RI too.....

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:18 am
by BillClay
I've heard that the 65 is definitely bigger than a 69 although I've never heard club-like, that's only come up in reference to the vm squire mustangs, which I did find chunky

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:26 am
by robroe
its not a club. i was fuckin around. its bigger than the other 2 necks though.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:22 am
by Mike
Of course it's not it's own specially designed neck - they clearly just grabbed one of the necks they already made for Mustangs in Japan. What planet are you living on Rob? It was never a custom shop model, it was thrown together with parts they already had.

I'm sure it was just a 65RI

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:25 am
by Fran
I think they grabbed what was available because they all felt a bit different to me.
Jaguar, 69RI or 65RI Mustang necks...
They put Jaguar necks on Vista Jagmasters, who knows what was going on.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:36 am
by Doog
Necks can differ across the same year and model anyways, can't they? It's not like they're just plopped out of a mould or something. The Squier VM I tried in town had slightly less chunky neck than Nick's old one I bought.
robroe wrote:
Mike wrote:It's equivalent to you suggesting I fix my leaky bucket by using a cardigan
More like fix your leaky bucket by throwing out your leaky bucket.

Throw that bridge pickup and all the switches n shit out. Fixed.
"I don't like how bridge pickups sounds in this guita-"

"Use the neck pickup!"

"But the neck pickup sounds totally different and doesn't suit my playin-"

"Use the neck pickup!"

"It's not even the same kind of pickup, it's a singleco-"

"Use the neck pickup!"

TIP: ensure that career change you were talking about doesn't require any kind of logical thinking

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:59 am
by robroe
Mike wrote:
I'm sure it was just a 65RI

How ? The 65RI didn't even come out until like 6 or 7 years later.

Totally logical thinking though.....hmmmmm robs owned all these had all 3 of them under the same roof at the same point in time from about 2005-2015, but fuck that I'm gonna go with my idea that the jagstang neck is from a guitar that wasn't designed until the next decade.

My argument might suck, but yours is based on FAKE NEWS

Go r e a d a b o o k