I also, I push mongo too, I never understoof the stick people get for mongo, someone care to enlighten me?
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:08 pm
by euan
JD wrote:
theshadowofseattle wrote:
gaybear wrote:
crap. i am goofy footed.
same here.
I also, I push mongo too, I never understoof the stick people get for mongo, someone care to enlighten me?
Prejudice. It's different.
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:09 pm
by Doog
"One of the disadvanages to pushing mongo is that it takes longer to adjust both feet to set up for a trick. Pushing mongo also puts most of your weight and body behind the board. This makes it harder to control the skateboard properly and more difficult to get the board going at high speeds.
You'll be much better off using your back foot to push, while always keeping your front foot on the board. Pushing with your back foot will mean you'll need less setup time for a trick because your front foot is already very close to the needed position. You'll also find it easier to push faster and you'll lose less speed because the setup time for a trick will be faster. You may find going from mongo to non-mongo a little weird for the first few days, but it will definitely make you a better skater in the long run. "
And LOL @ "push mongo". Sounds like a terrible hobby.