2 rolls, with roughly 20 scanned in from each - If I feel I have a good shot I sometimes take it twice with a couple of different settings, to make sure I don't miss it. Also got some badly exposed ones as you usually do...:
One roll from the Olympus 35 RC 35mm rangefinder, taken from Thursday - Sunday. All shot manually without a lightmeter - i did get a few bad ones, especially in darker conditions.
And an old roll from my Olympus Trip 35 which has a built in lightmeter, no batteries required. Apparently over time the lightmeters can stop working but mine is ok, it's very accurate actually. They can be used manually anyway, so they will live forever.
All the colours are as they came back, except for the 2 TRIP photos I made black and white.

They are all on my flickr at 1200px wide.