both guitarists appear to have humbucker sized p90's in the neck, and a gibson style hum in the bridge.
exhibit A:
exhibit B:
what a shit band, but oh how i fook'n love dots & binding.
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:11 pm
by George
Tort looks shit.
What the fuck does 146 mean on his strap?
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:14 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
i'm going out on a limb here, but i think it's a random series of three numbers intended to give a sense of cool ruggedness to those less informed in the bowels of fashion.
EDIT: FOILED AGAIN! it appears that there is a noble reason behind it.
It's real but there's nothing wrong with fake f holes.
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:28 am
by taylornutt
Here are individual videos for each guitar, both from the Fender Custom Shop, that I got in a email from Fender. I love the Tele. The other guitar is like a blacktop Jaguar with a Jazzmaster neck. That bass is sweet.
The first video the guy is touring with a Starcaster. Looks pretty cool.
if i was going to pay the fender custom shop to make me a guitar it wouldn't look like a jagmaster. i'd want rhinestones.
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:04 am
by Mike
This band is fucking brilliant.
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:51 pm
by SKC Willie
Mike wrote:This band is fucking brilliant.
This band is sort of a guilty pleasure. Don't have them on my iPod but some of their sons on the radio are so god damn catchy.
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:18 pm
by DanHeron
Nice guitars. The f hole is fake, he shows it in the video, but not too bad. It looks like the f hole shape is sunken into the body, a cm deep or something.
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 pm
by zedoktor
endsjustifymeans wrote:
holyCATS1415 wrote:the intro to air fortress is so good
yar, who new that video game music leant itself to post rock so well. I'm going to go listen to the advantage right now. not paramore.
PowerGlove does teh metalz and Minibosses does some good covers too.
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:23 pm
by George
I put fake f holes on the same level as clothes with built in extra t-shirts orshirt cuffs and collars sewn into jumpers or whatever. Or pointless zips on trousers.
Paramore's former lead guitarist has lashed out at the band he helped create, slamming frontwoman Hayley Williams and Atlantic Records for exploiting the other members. According to Josh Farro, who co-founded Paramore in 2004, the group is "a manufactured product of a major label, riding on the coattails of 'Hayley's dream'".
The whole band is a corporate sham
Hayley Williams is a bitch
The guitarist Farro who had the CS Deluxe Telecasters has quit/been sacked (notice how the photos from the Fender website no longer exist in Rod's post)
THEY ARE ALL CHRISTIAN (except Hayley who isn't)
The music is still shit
Anyway, my point is that after slating this guitarist I quite like him for being an hero and quitting the band, as well as blowing the whistle. I am now building a replica of my new hero's guitar. Progress:
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:06 pm
by stewart
Farro suggests Williams has undergone a spiritual drift away from Christianity. Many of the lyrics on Brand New Eyes "were really negative and we didn't agree with [them]", he wrote. "For example, 'The truth never set me free', which contradicts what the Bible says in John 8:32 ('And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free'). We fought her about how [Hayley's] lyrics misrepresented our band and what we stood for, but in the end she got her way."
Despite this, Farro seems optimistic. "We truly feel that God is leading us elsewhere and is going to do great things with us," he said. "The intention of this statement was not to belittle or disgrace the rest of the band, it was simply to clarify our decision for leaving ... If music is what God calls us to in the future, we hope that you all will be a part of it."