Sneaky listen to our upcoming double A-side HERE
Listen loud and on headphones/good speakers!
We're interested to know which track you think should come first, even though it's a double A-side
Coming out on July 19th
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:43 pm
by lorez
i really like Modern Sleep a lot, only slightly more than Oscillations but I like it a lot. It the guitar reminds me of something I can't put my finger on but it gives me a big smile.
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:09 pm
by stewart
both sounding really good, i think they follow on quite nicely from the EP but show a bit of progression too, which is what i thought when you've played them live recently...
how many songs have you buggers got? you're quite carefree with them, i'd be squirreling them all away for teh albumz.
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:21 pm
by Empires
Cheers Lorez, thanks for listening. I'm at that stage where I've listened to them so much I'm not sure they're any good! Familiarity breeds contempt etc.
Stew, these two are older ideas (2010)... and a bit more upbeat and straight than than the stuff that we'd done before so they felt right to go together, they'd stick out like a sore thumb on an EP or an album. We'll be back to the old disjointed and gloomy stuff soon enough.
We've about another nine or ten ideas that will be refined, merged, hacked with blunt instruments and stuck back together in a haphazard fashion with sellotape and bodily fluids. We don't know if it'll be another couple of E.P's or an album after this but it's likely to be 2012 before we release anything more.
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:20 pm
by Gavin
Sonds cool Al.
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:19 am
by Empires
[youtube][/youtube] Tired Lights - July 2011
Good Day Shortscalers,
I thought I'd give an update as to what VM have been up to lately.
Since releasing the single in July we've been gigging away, playing once or twice a month and writing a batch of new songs for an EP to be released next year.
It'll probably be released in the summer and be called 'Radians', although the deadline seems to get pushed back and pushed back. The emphasis is on quality though.
We thought we were a bit pushed for time as our favourite recording engineer Robin Sutherland is moving away to Finland at the end of March. He'll be a great loss to us and to the rest of Scottish Music. I know we've a couple of Finnish lads on here so look out for his name. Last I heard he was looking at setting up a mastering studio over there.
The plan is to record two tracks with Robin at the end of January then the rest of the E.P. at an unknown future date at an unknown future studio.
The first of these will be 'Burn Twice As Bright'
...and the second will be a twisty, turny song that hasn't got a name yet.
Also, here's a really early version of a song called 'Semaphore' that'll probably be on the E.P. but we realise it needs a lot of work.
We've two or three others in the pipeline, farthest along is 'We Know How to Build a Fire'.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone at Shortscale. I don't contribute an lot but I absorb a massive amount of the opinions from here. If it wasn't for yourselves there's no way I'd have the same level of interest and creativity as I currently do. Cheers, guys (and girls).
Wish y'all a belter of a 2012
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:01 pm
by stewart
new stuff's sounding good chief, looking forward to hearing it all finished. i got a facebook message from ross middlemiss saying he's looking for more bands to record, might be worth bearing him in mind seeing as he's familiar with robin's methods? he said he'd mentioned to bob that he was touting for business.