wait a minute, you know, i haven't looked at any posts here in a while besides this one that i post my stuff on, because of being busy or what ever, but every one is constantly complaining that all i do is post pictures and they are too big and no one cares and people cursing me out for posting my work, NOT ONCE HAVE I TRIED SELLING MY STUFF HERE, expect for the classifieds and it was for people to go check out my neck that i already posted on ebay, but long before that i have been getting shit for posting my work on here and i was never trying to sell it, no one will find me trying to sell it, if you actually go back, first of all, i know because i have went back to check myself many times because i often heard i was advetivesing , and wasn't, but if anyone else goes back, its pretty cool to know i rent that much space in someones head that they would waist so much time instead of anything else in the whorl, but they would think of me and read read read to make me look bad, get a life, i never came on here starting with people, just posting my work, now after months of being put down and made fun of, yeah, I'm not gonna take it lightly and not say anything back, but
i just noticed something, i went to the forum section for guitar projects and clicked on a few projects to see what the hell everyone is talking about when they say i don't know how to post threads, to many or to big pics, and guess what , the other projects are just the same , just like i saw long time before i ever joined here, thats were i got the idea of posting pictures of my work in a fucking project forum, it only makes sense, egghhhh, i don't know, you guys can't possibly be serious, i know this site has people from all over the world and shit, thats probably whats going on here, i know french people hate americans and australians hate americans, who knows who else hates americans, i can't figure out any other reason, i sware to god, if you look under my staining neck thread, there is a squire jaguar mode thread and this dude made his jag squire with chrome plates, but nothing like my white jag master was, and he posted like 100 huge huge pictures and everyone ws like, "oh, amazing job, great guitar, great work, " thats all i ever wanted, to post my work, share it, maybe here some good things about it, not this one freak here saying how shity my jag master was or some other dude threating me that if i don't stop posting, he will make sure he gets a rally of people to try to get me banned, you know what mother fucker, doing shit like that should get you banned, or another fucking psycho making GIFs of me, you know how sick that is , to sit their and look at my pics enough times to create something like that, but than say i suck for posting them,
and other threads on here have pics of things that are huge also and just of a term bar, or headstone or whatever, and people are like , "cool' great" yay" nice ' tallie hoe ' bloody whatever' or polly vue fronsieΩ'
and i always was polite, posted pics of how i work, before and afters, just like everyone else, but lemme guess, because the work was good, thats why i suck so bad, right, ask you self, of course you won't admit that is the reason you all destroy me here, but subconsciously , thats what happens, when someone can't do something as good or in general isn't as good as someone else, they make fun of them, like in grammar school,
i know you guys heard that before, its not just me making this up, maybe the reason the other guys on here didn't get a new A hole torn into them is because there projects weren't that great, or because you guys could do better or something and feel bad, but with me, you might not be able to do what i do , or maybe could but don't have the drive or passion anymore like you used to so your trying to make me feel like its not worth it,
what do you think, I'm going to stop doing what i do, and feel good about myself and enjoy life because a couple guys from this website don't like me, yeah, o.k.
i just can't believe how other people get such good ratings for there work and my a little more complex work i get shitted on, and i don't wanna hear its my posting writing style, o.k., maybe i suck at spelling, but all the other post on the guitar project forum look exactly the same, huge fucking pictures of guitars and necks, even just one little term bar....
anyway, i put all new chrome control plates on my jag because it is indeed a 97 CiJ. i figured that it was 97, i found out when i took the neck off, i gotta pic of the stamp, i also read that the CIJ was better wired than the average MIJ , it had the brass shielding plates for ground and so on, i discovered that as well replacing the control plates, i also installed the fender mute, i forgot to order a bridge cover though, i ordered on last night,
i want to start the neck modification already but want to have the guitar to play, so it gonna suck for about 2 weeks not having a guitar to use, because this is my only one now, and with the neck being upgraded, it will be in two pieces, I'm waiting for my inlay material, i ordered it from a different supplier, supposedly it is good stuff, thinner and easier to cut,
i also ordered new pickup covers, i prefer the aged white instead of the white it came with, with sunburst, i think it looks better,
i got these parts yesterday
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the neck stamp on my jag
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replacing upper control plate for fresh avri plate
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i love these shots
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