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Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:27 pm
by hwestman
I have Masterys in my two offsets. Sure they cost a lot but to me they are way better than both the original and the mustang bridges I have tried (with and without buzzstops) and really make a huge difference. Also I don't think the guys making them are getting rich off 'em.

I may not be a true offset player since I prefer my JM and Jag as sustainy, ringing and un-rattly as possible, but if so... so be it. I think it is about the same as getting a set of Novak pickups, they cost more but you get a superior product from someone who is totally dedicated to designing and making it. Is it 6 times as good? I don't know, but if I had to choose between two offsets without Masterys and one with a Mastery I would go for the latter.

YMMV. And power to all of you who manage to get it right with the original bridges, Mustang bridges and/or graph tech saddles.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:30 pm
by benecol
Just spotted this fuckwittery thanks to the bump:
honeyiscool wrote:
benecol wrote:I think you're going a bit berserk with your wallet on this one; I've only ever met one strat bridge that couldn't be tamed, and that was an issue with the tension springs. As long as there are no burrs or binding at saddle or nut, you don't need to replace the bridge.
I get it. You don't like me and you don't value my opinion. I understand that. I'm not going to try to change your opinion on this, so can we stop with the little personal digs everywhere? Thanks.
WTF? I made a perfectly valid point about tweaking strat bridges and trems: cock off.