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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:01 pm
by Dave
poorhillbilly wrote:No I just don't like England, at all. And Britain as a whole. Scotland is nice, apart from the Rangers fans and the racist Nazi Unionists, never been to Northern Ireland or Wales.

Well Britain are responsible for murdering the Aboriginals.
Well then as someone of some kind of likely British genetic inheritance you are completely responsible for their actions - so be a good man and get the fuck out of the Aboriginals country yes?[/satire]

We'd probably let you back in over here in Britain because we're okay like that. Dick.
poorhillbilly wrote:Germany can't even control an Cucumber epidemic, god knows what their tuners are like.
poorhillbilly wrote:Roland Pedals are great.
Aye some are. DS1 is pretty yawnola though but each to their own - if you like it then cool. Still a dick though
poorhillbilly wrote:Vibramate will not work. cavity remember. big fuckoff springs?


That being said i actually really like the look of the Wigsby and don't think the Bigsby would be any especial aesthetic improvement so well done you it does look good. So minus one 'Dick' insult for that.
poorhillbilly wrote:Laugh at Rolf Harris, but he did invent the Wobbleboard, which is a tad bit cooler than the Vibramate.
I subtract another 'Dick' insult here as I agree with you entirely. So that makes a sum total of two whole 'dicks'.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:19 pm
by Dave
Sorry fella but you're welcome to your opinion but please don't be throwing them around carelessly on a forum made up of many nationalities. I've got no problem at all with your opinion about Britain but the reasons you give make no sense and seem brand every individual of that country as all being somehow responsible for this. The only bit I can get behind is when you alluded that you have visited here - if so, and that formed your opinion, then I can respect that. All the other stuff is delusional logic though.

Okay I'm stopping now. Great guitar-mods, like it, all the best for the future.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:20 pm
by poorhillbilly
Well its pretty hard. All Australian have to live with these facts of racism, its not like it stopped happening over 100 years ago and noone remembers.

I am of Scottish and French heritage by free settler. But I have walked in the Reconciliation Walk.

The Vibramate would have been more expensive than the Wigsby. I saw one but could not be bothered spending more. Maybe I can purchase the $400 Japanese Special HH Neck and Head another time.

Roland are perfect, i'm not into to effects you see.

Cheers man!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:18 pm
by jumbledupthinking
poorhillbilly wrote:Roland are perfect, i'm not into to effects you see.
Well...that wraps that one up.

I'm willing to apologise for shit that happened years before I existed, perpetrated by people I never knew when you man up and take some responsibility for giving the world Fosters Lager and Keith fucking Urban :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:07 pm
by stewart
poorhillbilly wrote:Laugh at Rolf Harris, but he did invent the Wobbleboard, which is a tad bit cooler than the Vibramate.
nobody was laughing at rolf harris, internet harder.

also, your fireplace looks distinctly late victorian/early edwardian, perhaps you'll want to rip it out seeing as it's of british design.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:50 pm
by othomas2

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:45 am
by poorhillbilly
''History is written by the victors''- Winston Churchill.

Nah the fire place is actually horrible. we had to block it up. A possum crawled through the Chimney from the roof, down to the fireplace (thats like 20 foot), emerged and ran round the room causing chaos. I'm dead serious. Possums are fast and gouge you eyes out.

Keith Urban spends most his time in America nowadays. He was actually born in New Zealand. Have you heard of Bands like Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds? Grinderman? You am I? The Sleepy Jackson? Eddy Current Suppression Ring?

''While international marketing of the beer often focuses on its Australian connections, Foster's does not enjoy widespread popularity in Australia.''

I've never drunk Fosters. Never even seen it. We have Boags and Cascade in Tasmania. James Squire is pretty good too. He was a scummy convict!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:52 am
by poorhillbilly
I could just get the headstock painted, who knows what it would cost and who would do this,

and re de- caled for $12. ... d000bceb4c

sperzeled $50, then that would be it. maybe a pickguard if Fender release any. does anyone know what under the black 3 ply pickguard? the white?

oh wait found a website for custom blacktop jg guards

I like White parchment. thats like $50

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:07 am
by Freddy V-C
poorhillbilly wrote:Have you heard of Bands like Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds? Grinderman? You am I? The Sleepy Jackson? Eddy Current Suppression Ring?
You do realise that the same argument could be used for England? Just because some bad things have come from here doesn't mean no good things have, same with any country really.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:47 am
by BillClay
poorhillbilly wrote:
Nah the fire place is actually horrible. we had to block it up. A possum crawled through the Chimney from the roof, down to the fireplace (thats like 20 foot), emerged and ran round the room causing chaos. I'm dead serious. Possums are fast and gouge you eyes out.
Was it shitty cuz it was british? Are you sure the possum wasn't a redcoat in disguise!?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:24 am
by Addam
BillClay wrote:
Was it shitty cuz it was british? Are you sure the possum wasn't a redcoat in disguise!?
Just to clarify, that's George Washington era ' the British are coming' red coats, rather than Butlins Holiday camp redcoats? Though them 1950s holidays with strict regimented entertainment seem like a scary proposition.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:32 am
by Addam
BillClay wrote:
Was it shitty cuz it was british? Are you sure the possum wasn't a redcoat in disguise!?
Just to clarify, that's George Washington era ' the British are coming' red coats, rather than Butlins Holiday camp redcoats? Though them 1950s holidays with strict regimented entertainment seem like a scary proposition.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:37 am
by poorhillbilly
yeah same shit everytime. British and old. The possum could have been an east end cockney chimney sweep and he moved so fast!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:45 am
by Freddy V-C
Can we pull out the 'prison colony' argument?

Not that I actually think all Australians are descended from criminals, it's just the same ridiculous line of thinking as this poorhillbilly character.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:46 am
by George
I refuse to take any country seriously whose cultural renaissance was Crocodile Dundee 2

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:57 am
by poorhillbilly
What are you talking about!? a few people live Australia, (close to the population of Romania) they arn't all descended from convicts.

You do realise Paul Hogan was a comedian before he became an actor? You are aware of comedy? a sense of humour?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:04 am
by Freddy V-C
poorhillbilly wrote:a few people live Australia, (close to the population of Romania) they arn't all descended from convicts.
Freddy V-C wrote:Not that I actually think all Australians are descended from criminals

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:06 am
by poorhillbilly

Freddy V-C wrote:
poorhillbilly wrote:a few people live Australia, (close to the population of Romania) they arn't all descended from convicts.
Freddy V-C wrote:Not that I actually think all Australians are descended from criminals
So why would you even allude to that at all then? most of the crimes convicts did commit were petty, like stealing an apple, or stealing rice, cutlery. But they were shipped to other places aswell like the USA. 50,000 of them.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:13 am
by Freddy V-C
You spewed your ignorant opinions about Britain, I'm giving you some equally ignorant opinions about Australia.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:21 am
by Dave