The Mustangs look just like the last ones, except now you can get it in sunburst too. The others look okay I guess. My favorite is the Jaguarillo. I'm a bit bummed that it doesn't have Jaguar pickups in the neck and middle - that would have been better. I would have loved to see it with three Jag pups ala the Cyclone II. If I had one, that's what I'd be tempted to do to it - install a new pickguard and chrome panels, route it for the rhythm circuit, and throw three Jag pickups into it. Could be a cool guitar...
robroe wrote:isn't the mustang special 2.0 the same as the 1.0 ?
confused ?
That's what I was thinking. othomas2 noticed the truss rod hole has moved to the headstock on the 2.0 version and rps-10 thinks the bridge is different. Guess we'll have to wait for the specs before we can see what else has changed.
I retract that now on PC and can see it's just a strat style 6 saddle jobbie. Thought it looked like a 3 saddle bridge when viewing the original pics on my phone.
Be nice if it had maple fingerboard for ver v2.0, not just a new colour option.
I really dig the hollowbody one, but I would dig it 99 times more if there was binding around the f hole, and perhaps elsewhere.
Jaguarillo looks like a knockoff of a knockoff
mkt3000 wrote:I'm kinda lovin that bass. It's almost like a Supersonic bass.
Also don't reissue the Super-Sonic! I like mine being rare!
I have to hide my Supersonic... I used to be able to gig with it fairly anonymously, but now the clusterfuck of local hipster guitarists want it, and I keep getting hounded by offers.
mkt3000 wrote:I have to hide my Supersonic... I used to be able to gig with it fairly anonymously, but now the clusterfuck of local hipster guitarists want it, and I keep getting hounded by offers.