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Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:22 am
by Jaguar Tech
I went through guitars before I found a Jaguar and bought it. A 2012 MIJ HH Special. (I installed an American Tremelo and made even better.)They look cool, sound great, and my short fingers are just long enough to play it.) I've got a AVRI 62 jag on layaway so I can have the original Jag sound and the HH for that hot rod sound.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:11 am
by stain
Many years ago I dreamt 'bout Mustang, cause i thought it's the best guitar design in a world (Now I have the same opinion). Nowadays I know, that a very good guitar with a perfect tone, comfortable. I wanted to buy one more Mustang, but ordered Jaguar Special JGS from Japan with Dragster Humbuckers.