Yesterday I was trying to free up one of my paint sticks so I was unscrewing it from the Bronco body. In ther process I scratched the paint in two places. Fixing it meant that I sprayed too much in one spot. But I will straighten it out with teh clears. I was spraying KILZ primer because I ran out of Reranch and they are closed again. KILZ sprays like a horse dick and it drips into stalactites on the body. I waited an hour and tried to sand but it was still gummy. I ended up with canyons on my perfectly smooth bodies that I worked so hard on. This morning I sanded and sprayed again with much better luck. I like the sprayer on Behlens clear, but KILZ sucks rocks. I AM A HATER NOW.
Then I got on to my latest project--the last except for Dillon's former Jag. At first I wanted copper. Then I switched to sea foam. Then pink. But when I sprayed SS on it, I knew I had to show the wood. It is four freaking boards, but I just can't cover them. They are too pretty. Here it is with grain filler and SS on it. Once RR opens again I will be ordering something in the blonde family. To some it may be tired, but to me it's classic. It's going to look something a little like this.