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so do you think?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:48 pm
by robert(original)
i was thinking about doing a neck kit
basically with just a fretboard,
and the neck with the scoop and the truss rod cut out, oh and cut out to the specs of a tele or strat neck.
you think anyone would be interested in buying them.
all one would have to do is shape the neck, glue on the board, shape the headstock, drill the holes and finish it.
feedback appreciated.
Re: so do you think?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:00 pm
by luke
robert(original) wrote:i was thinking about doing a neck kit
basically with just a fretboard,
and the neck with the scoop and the truss rod cut out, oh and cut out to the specs of a tele or strat neck.
you think anyone would be interested in buying them.
all one would have to do is shape the neck, glue on the board, shape the headstock, drill the holes and finish it.
feedback appreciated.
Sounds good, but I don't think people will be up for putting fret wire in. Would you do that yourself?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:21 pm
by robert(original)
that would have to done after the radius, and most people want different radius necks.
fretting is not that hard, so don;t fret.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:52 pm
by Aug
I'd be interested in one...if only for the learning experience. I do need a neck for my jazzmaster, and might be willing provided the price is cheap enough to make it worth my while. What were you thinking, price wise?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:53 pm
by Mr Mustache
sounds like a good idea, i'd be willing to drop the cash for one depending on price
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:58 pm
by robert(original)
for a fretboard and a neck blank thats cut out with the truss rod rout and the headstock style paddle thing, right around 40-60
depending on wheather or not its choice wood or just all maple.
all maple would be 40, and if its choice maple with a rosewood board then more like 60.
but keep in midn the back won;t be shaped at all so you will have to either by some spoke shaves or do it all on a band saw and a sander.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:01 pm
by Aug
would you be open to doing 24" necks as well?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:48 pm
by robert(original)
only if buddy can come thru and make another 24 fretting template
you see i broke the 22.5 and 24 scale template 2 weeks ago.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:00 pm
by dodgedartdave
I'd buy one too. I'm in.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:09 pm
by luke
What about maple necks? Do they come with that thing that wedges in the back?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:40 pm
by euan
Malik wrote:What about maple necks? Do they come with that thing that wedges in the back?
If you read it the trust rod is mounted in the front not the back like on Fenders. Gibson stylee.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:46 pm
by luke
Nice. This sounds like I might be able to make my original Jag-Stang headstock fantasy come true. Will they be big enough to make a 3 a side headstock Rob?
And how much are truss rods then (presuming they're not included)? Do you have anywhere you'd recommend for one that would definitely fit your routing?
I might be interested in a nice all maple neck for my future project.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:50 pm
by bassintom
I'd buy a couple 24" necks.You can buy all the strat necks you want for under $100 ea on der ebaze.Everybody has strat necks for sale cheapo.
Do the 24" and you'll sell millions.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:08 pm
by robert(original)
can't do 24's no fretting template, and making one wouldn't be worth it becuz those millions of an inch count, and thats something that is just human error.
i will make one up next weekend and post pics of what i was thinking would be a good neck kit.
basically all you need is a scroll saw, or band saw. some glue and a butt load of clamps, you can get sanding blocks from stew mac for cheap.
as for truss rods, i made the last one with a gibby style dual way rod that i sliped under the board and out the butt like a fender.
pretty much all dual rods from grizzley and i think stu mac are 8 mms wide and 13 mms deep.
i actually have to run out to go to st. louis at the moment, but if people are interested i will deffinitly get on it.
i was more making the thread to see if anyone would be interested, so yeah, maybe i should move this to the whore house.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:12 pm
by luke
robert(original) wrote:can't do 24's no fretting template, and making one wouldn't be worth it becuz those millions of an inch count, and thats something that is just human error.
i will make one up next weekend and post pics of what i was thinking would be a good neck kit.
basically all you need is a scroll saw, or band saw. some glue and a butt load of clamps, you can get sanding blocks from stew mac for cheap.
as for truss rods, i made the last one with a gibby style dual way rod that i sliped under the board and out the butt like a fender.
pretty much all dual rods from grizzley and i think stu mac are 8 mms wide and 13 mms deep.
i actually have to run out to go to st. louis at the moment, but if people are interested i will deffinitly get on it.
i was more making the thread to see if anyone would be interested, so yeah, maybe i should move this to the whore house.
I'd be interested if you included a truss rod (and subsequently raised the price to accommodate also), simply because StewMac doesn't like English people.
How do you go about putting one of those screws on the end of a butt end trussroad? Do you get truss rods specially designed for that or what?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:20 pm
by robert(original)
you can get them but they are sing rods, and if i remember they are kinda pricey like 40-50, and a dual stew mac rod is around 22. usd
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:05 am
by DGNR8
Malik wrote:StewMac doesn't like English people.
Funny. Kanye West.
Robert, here's a suggestion. Offer different prices depending on the finish level. Kit 1 might be the very basic. Kit 2 has the truss rod. 3 has frets, etc. Or maybe you could price it like Warmoth by allowing the person to choose which features they would like to have included. The fully finished necks can fetch a fair price, but if someone wants to save, they cut features.