And then today I picked up one of these:
Mesa Boogie Powerhouse 1000, It's got 4 10 inch speakers and one 15 inch speaker. It sounds so ballsy! I walked in there with the intention of walking out with the ampeg 610 that they had in there, but then I saw this and had been wanting to play one so I played an ampeg SVT classic (same amp as mine except without the EQ) through both of them and the mesa sounded 10,000 times better than the ampeg! The ampeg sounded good and definitely had all the high end that I wanted, but didn't have enough low end. The Mesa had the perfect mix because the 4 10's took care of all the high end, and the 15 punches you in the face with tons of bass! It sounds so damn good! The guy at guitar center actually said that his dream setup would be an SVT 2 pro through that mesa cab, and that was before we told him that I had an svt 2 pro. My setup sounds amazing, I actually have my dream sound right now!
Playing my stingray through this rig sounds like a bunch of dead football players came down from heaven as angels and starting punching you in the face with bass. Seriously, it's awesome!