custom jaguar project
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:48 pm
i made a thread about this about a week before the site went down, so anywho,
i got some parts in today and could not resist taking time away from robs neck to do a mockup.
im pretty sure im going to re-do the neck, i did more of a v-shape(ive been listening to tracy talk about how great it is) and now im not sure that i like the feel of it. most likely i will do everything exactly the same(black binding, black dots, and maple board) but with more of a c shape, much like a mexi strat or something to that effect. probly not exactly like the jag neck.
so here are some mock up photos. i did one with the neck(soon to be scavanged) and one with a rosewood neck(soon to be tinted like rob roes)
i put in all black switches but i can easily put in all white switches if you guys dig that more. and i went with cream p-90s, anyone thing black would look better, def not white.
that and im planning on just having one swtich up top to activate the neck with the extra cap on it.
maybe later, down the line i will put a metal plate there with the proper electronics but for now i like this idea more, plus it gives it a more distinctive look, and it reminds me more of a 70's guitar(thats what im going to for, look wise.)
enjoy! inout appreciated!
oh and here is the basics as of right now.
two p-90s, a rythm section to activate an extra cap for the neck, the normal 3 switch concpet of on/off neck. on/off bridge. and then the third switch im thinking about an out of phase deal, but im wondering what p90's sound like out of phase, who knows i may just do the bass cut anyway. 1 vol, 1 tone. copper all over the place, and cloth wiring, cuz im a gear snob

i got some parts in today and could not resist taking time away from robs neck to do a mockup.
im pretty sure im going to re-do the neck, i did more of a v-shape(ive been listening to tracy talk about how great it is) and now im not sure that i like the feel of it. most likely i will do everything exactly the same(black binding, black dots, and maple board) but with more of a c shape, much like a mexi strat or something to that effect. probly not exactly like the jag neck.
so here are some mock up photos. i did one with the neck(soon to be scavanged) and one with a rosewood neck(soon to be tinted like rob roes)
i put in all black switches but i can easily put in all white switches if you guys dig that more. and i went with cream p-90s, anyone thing black would look better, def not white.
that and im planning on just having one swtich up top to activate the neck with the extra cap on it.
maybe later, down the line i will put a metal plate there with the proper electronics but for now i like this idea more, plus it gives it a more distinctive look, and it reminds me more of a 70's guitar(thats what im going to for, look wise.)
enjoy! inout appreciated!
oh and here is the basics as of right now.
two p-90s, a rythm section to activate an extra cap for the neck, the normal 3 switch concpet of on/off neck. on/off bridge. and then the third switch im thinking about an out of phase deal, but im wondering what p90's sound like out of phase, who knows i may just do the bass cut anyway. 1 vol, 1 tone. copper all over the place, and cloth wiring, cuz im a gear snob