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Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:28 am
by robert(original)
i will throw down my sketches tomorrow at some point. but for now, some sexy shots of the neck.
i may or may not need to replace the nut, its cracked a few times but i think it will hold.
im a bit worried as to the longevity of the frets.
tracey ran her finger over the decal and i about crapped myself.
look how much the lacquer has changed!
there are some really awsome finish checks as well!
but its rather hard to get on camera.

check out the authentic player wear!!!!
I wish it had a stamped date. :cry:
i think mustache said it was 67-68, which i guess could be correct.
the only real marking is a "c" and an imprint of "87"

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:33 am
by Justin
Those frets look bad :shock:

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:34 am
by Justin J
what are you gonna do with it?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:38 am
by robert(original)
im making a fender XII
at first i was thinking of a mustang trem controls the normal strings and then string thru for the octave/doubled strings, and by thay i mean actually going thru the mustang plate, and then using a jaguar bridge, BUT. for the sake of have each one intonated properly im on the hunt for a well priced 12 string bridge of any kind as long as it has 12 saddles.
basically taking a jag body, refining it, using a jag/bronco guard and mixing them.
side jack, 1 vol, 1 tone 1 selecter chickenhead style
and 1 phase switch
2 pups, im wanting to do the og split style but im not sure if i can find any that are decently priced......
so i may jsut stick some p-90s in there and call it a day.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:41 am
by Aug
I absolutely hate you for having that. :x


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:43 am
by robert(original)
you are going to pissed when you see what im gonna do with it!!!!
the one thing is... i have got to find some lefty f-tuners, i have no, no two shits about it.
that is going to be the worst part of all this.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:13 am
by robroe
why don't you just buy 2 sets of gibson melody maker kluson 3X3 tuners ?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:16 am
by robroe

they also come in nickel buttons for people that aren't robroe

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:05 am
by robert(original)
look at the tuner holes. i don't want to make any new holes, i know these things sell for about 100 bucks anyway but i would like to keep it as og as possible.
i got some re-issue rightys that im going to match up and see how they look on it, if they don't work then they are going on my jaguar, if they do work, then i at least have one siden solved.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:51 pm
by robroe
dont want to fuck up the tuner holes? dude, aren't you going to have to grind back that giant C shape heel/butt to a | shape to get it to fit onto solid guitar body?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:53 pm
by Mike

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:56 pm
by robroe

i just don't understand the point of preserving some tiny holes that you could easily fill with toothpicks....when you are going to sand back flat the entire other end of the guitar.

unless you are making your own custom body with a giant C shape neck pocket. thats different.

you are going to look for years for vintage left handed F tuners and when you find them they are going to cost you 400 dollars

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:10 pm
by Mike
I'm not a fan of vintage guitars and stuff because I'm always likely to take the thing apart and modify it and stuff.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:01 pm
by robert(original)
check this out.
im making a giant square neck pocket.,
and using the guard to cover up the hole, originally i was going to make a giant neck pocket and then shape a piece of wood to fit in, and the use a guard but i figured i would see what it would be like to live like i was cbs.
there is actually a righty and lefty set that i can get from oversease for 278.00 or something, or.....
there was a lefty set i saw on ebay for 125.00
most likely, i will wait like a cougar.... and then pounce on the first dumb bastard to put up some f-keys.
im fucking snowed in today, so that means, no band practice, tracy won't be getting paid, no stoges. nothing, the only thing i can do today is poast and work. I can't even work on roboes neck, i would be doing the last coat of clear right now so i can level sand late tonight but i can't open the garage, its frozen shut. I can;t walk outside the wind is blowing too much, and i can;'t just blindily spray in the shop, the last time i did that my fingers went numb....... :shock:

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:07 pm
by Mike
Sounds like some extreme weather dude!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:09 pm
by bassintom
im fucking snowed in today, so that means, no band practice, tracy won't be getting paid, no stoges.
So you will be making pup rings today? :D
We're iced in here today.Schools closed so no work for me today.The downside is I can't get to teh liquor store for beers and I'm all out.So it's guitars and cigarettes all day long.
I'm not even commenting on that neck..I'm so jealous.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:27 pm
by robert(original)
i actually have some beer, wierd huh?
its 5 coffee stouts,
i bought a 6 pack of shcalfy coffee stout(i love that stuff) on tuesday for band practice but jon brought his own licquer so......
but i had one of them and fell back into love, altho i don;t really drink anymore so i will probly have them sitting there for a WHILE!
so far im thinking
and not Curtis novaks, simply becuz its 105 buks for 1 pup with no cover and no screws.
i would rather stick some p-90s innit, maybe i could do it maurder style!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:02 pm
by tribi9
robert(original) wrote:i actually have some beer, wierd huh?
its 5 coffee stouts,
i bought a 6 pack of shcalfy coffee stout(i love that stuff) on tuesday for band practice but jon brought his own licquer so......
but i had one of them and fell back into love, altho i don;t really drink anymore so i will probly have them sitting there for a WHILE!
so far im thinking
and not Curtis novaks, simply becuz its 105 buks for 1 pup with no cover and no screws.
i would rather stick some p-90s innit, maybe i could do it maurder style!!!!
Thats gonna be pimping!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:14 pm
by More Cowbell
Pics or this ain't happening.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:07 pm
by robert(original)
check it out, i made a template of the neck
and here is the body tracing, anywho, i started making up a guard, and bad news, first off the slave wheel on my band saw is janky as fuck!
the 6X9 sander is out of comission as of yesterday, the sizes i need on the rotary sander are MIA, and to top it all off, i need to build a new table cuz the legs on the 15 dollar goodwill table finally biffed it
btw yes that is robs new guard by the neck.