So i was given a shitty Digitech RP 3000A multi-effects processer thing last march. and it just basically gather dust, until i noticed a coworker of mine had a smaller one he gigged with, i told him about it and he offer to trade me for this piece of awesomeness:
Yeah i like it, it sounds pretty cool for mini humbuckers, i guess its just a different sound than my single coil guitars i favor. It's unique. I'm gonna buy deadpenny lefty usa maple strat neck and put it on there. I also don't like the US army log or the gold hardware. Lutenit Dan, is it's current name and the Israel coin is because the guy who made it is a jew
I'm gonna get a new bridge, and chrome hardware, then i think i'll like it more, it was a squire once in it's life
wow i didn't know epiphone ever put out a firebird with 3 mini humbuckers
Thanks guys, i really like it. The mini hums alone make it unique, but the gold guard proably make it one of a kind since they guy's dad is a machinist he cut the guard for the mini hums.
The coin on the headstock is some Israeli coin. i guess he put it there because he's jewish. the coin looking thing on the pickuguard is some army crap, it's going tomorrow.
Last edited by Mr Mustache on Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yea the army one is awkward... I've seen those made to be placed on the bottom of a baton... But, this guitar is no baton. Tha's really tight, tho, that you have this crazy pece of work.
yeah the army thing doesn't fit the type of person i am at all. so i'll just have to come up with some kind of cool switch or pot that does something really odd and put it there.
It's defiantly cool, but i want that lefty maple neck so much now