Anyone here played one, and if so what do ya reckon?? I like the idea in theory, but non sure if it would be useful for anything other than making bigger deeper powerchords i.e. metalz. Plus im not exactly great with 6 strings, so adding another one and changing all the tuning may get a bit
I have one, hasnt been played in literaly 6 or 7 years. buried deep in my spare closet full of guitars no longer played. It was fun to play, I was a huge Fear Factory fan.
.....i'll go dig it out and see how well its held up, and splat a few pics up.
great stuff.
i played a custom made archtop with 7 strings, i forget the tuning on it,(it was kinda odd) but it was a cool lil geeter, thin flat neck, pretty wide too!
it sounded phenomonal tho, it resonated very heavily, im not even sure of the gauge, but it seemed to me that they had to be a custom gauge of some sort.
as far as electrics, i guess it would be cool to tune it a bit differently and thro it in the mix every now and again, only problem is. all 7 string electrics are a bit too pointy for my taste.
robert(original) wrote:7 string electrics are a bit too pointy for my taste.
Aye. I'd love to get my hands on a neck like the ibanez one, and have someone make a jazzy body, with a floyd rose trem. Sort of like a super Jagmaster.
robert(original) wrote:FEAR FACTORY, SOUL OF A MACHINE!
great stuff.
i played a custom made archtop with 7 strings, i forget the tuning on it,(it was kinda odd) but it was a cool lil geeter, thin flat neck, pretty wide too!
it sounded phenomonal tho, it resonated very heavily, im not even sure of the gauge, but it seemed to me that they had to be a custom gauge of some sort.
as far as electrics, i guess it would be cool to tune it a bit differently and thro it in the mix every now and again, only problem is. all 7 string electrics are a bit too pointy for my taste.
Demanufacture was a great albulm also!
a bit poity indeed. I went from that to Mustangs and Strats. go figure.
I bought a LH 7 string Dean Avalanche on ebay once for like $108 , brand new. I had it for a few months and only played it 3 to 5 times. It was awkward to play, and I had no interest in playing any of the "popular" music made with 7 strings by any stretch of the imagination.
righty found online
I think I made a 30 dollar profit or something lol.
I dream of one every now and then... They were cool to look at, and the bands that could play em, certainly hit the low notes. Maybe I should get a baritone guitar.