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My new bass!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:04 am
by Billy3000
I just got this on saturday! This thing sounds amazing! I played a sunburst one and liked the way it played and sounded but I liked the way that the jazz sounded better than that one so I was set on getting a new jazz... but then I went in there again and this one was hanging there so I played it and it sounded amazing! This thing gets some of the growliest, ballsiest tones I've ever heard from any bass ever! This is the most amazing sounding bass that I have ever played!


It came with tons of goodies, like a cord, strap, and REAL keys for the case... none of those stupid little keys that break with any sort of pressure, and can be picked with a paperclip... these are real keys with a real lock!


This case is insane! This is by far the sturdiest case I've ever seen!



String through body for extra ballsiness!


Right next to my epiphone p copy with a yamaha neck, fender pickguard,, and seymour duncan quarter pound pickup.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:06 am
by Justin J
is that one of the new standards? it looks nice.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:07 am
by Justin
Very nice Billy.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:12 am
by Billy3000
bubbles_horwitz wrote:is that one of the new standards? it looks nice.
Indeed it is! This thing is WORLDS better than the old standards! They had two of the older standards at Guitar Center in raleigh, and I played them and they sounded and felt like complete shit! There were squiers there that sounded, and played nicer than them!!! But this thing actually sounds and feels and looks like it's actually worth as much as it costs!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:15 am
by Mr Mustache
very cool man!

be careful with that case they aren't quite as stong as they look, we've already have to send one back because the side edge got busted up.

but other than that , have fun with it, the 2008 standards are great!