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Taking a big Loop (EH spree)

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:29 pm
by Tex-czech
I couldn't help myself the other day a guy on craigslist reposted a vintage muff, I went by his house a month ago to buy a vintage Dr. Q and he said the muff had been payed for via paypal and the guy wanted pictures etc. (collector I guess) Well thing went sour and I got the Muff for 80 bucks.

Also another guys had a 16 second delay for $250 I was about to grab it but the local Guitar Center had this 2880 for $360 (thank god for tax exemption) I love it I have been using it with a Nord Lead 2x Synth. When I get the footswitch ($99) I'll be able to do more on guitar. I know guys "too much!!" but this is a really great product for that price.

You can load you loops to PC or MAC and use midi, pan left<>right and pitch shift. Using tempo and octave you can make a guitar riff and play single notes at a higher tempo with octave on to sound like a bass.

I am trying hard to get my imovie to export videos I can put on youtube. I'd like to make my re-20 demo into a video. Sync it with pictures cause watching me is boring.

Do you guys use looping features rc-2 or dl4?


I'll get picture of the muff inside soon. (3034 circuit)

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:42 pm
by mewithoutus
woah dude. powerup.

im looking forward to the demo!

and i use windows movie maker to do demo stuff. its not very powerful but it gets the jjob done and its fairly easy.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:11 pm
by Sloan
fx pedlols

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:39 am
by SpectralJulian
cool dude, I've been wanting a 2880 ever since they came out. But now that you can get loopers with tap tempo, I think I might wait until the next EH dedicated looper comes out. Although technically you could make a midi clock tap tempo box, but that is way too much work.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:23 pm
by Tex-czech
SpectralJulian wrote:Although technically you could make a midi clock tap tempo box, but that is way too much work.
wow, thats an idea. I wouldn't know where to start with midi wiring stuff.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:36 am
by Tex-czech
Sorry for the wait, looks like the Muff's board is a 3034 I was hoping for a 3003 1970's one, but it sounds great. I am sure the knobs are not original though I have seen an original small clone with one. Someone replaced the tone potentiometer with an alpha terminating it with wires, too bad they didn't search for PC mount pots with long pins. The footswitch was replaced with a DPDT and the tone bypass works but I don't know why they used brass/copper crimps after soldering. They solder job on the tone is messy I want to get a new board mount pot and clean it up with some solder bread and alcohol. Maybe put a 3PDT and an LED, I mean its already been molested. :x

forgot to add this is the transistor muff.



As for the 2880 I had to have a week to test is out and get together idea of a demonstration. Its useful in front of all your pedals too but it defeats the purpose of using this digital 4 track recorder (in all thats what it is) as distortion or fuzz sounds muddy (only on loops) after the 2880 in the effects line. So not only can I save a loop on computer via USB but I could actually record a whole demo (let it be this or other pedals) from this thing, have a mic on it as well and sync my upload with a video. I am stoked. stay tuned.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:26 pm
by noirengineer