could i do it my way?>
meaning that i could use poplar/basswood as the back and frame, and then a "plate" of the same wood for the top?
i think that would be more effective,
what body style?
i would definitly have to find one to copy or draw it up somehow, make the temps and that sort of thing.
i guess 80 or something like that would be fair.
I'd feel cheated if you didn't do it your way. I can probably track one down and make a tracing and measurements, otherwise I'd just say freeball it and get it close to the pics. I'm more interested in something unique then something perfect.
The originals are up in the $700-$1500 territory, so building one makes sense. I'm looking at buying another guitar in april/may/june after I unload some other gear - I'll PM with details when I get a budget sorted out, but $80-$100 for the bod would be awesome.
were you just asking about the body?
i thought you were asking me to basically assemble it and set it up minus the paint.
its late and im tired, forgive me.
I was just thinking you'd build the body with parts sent to make sure everything lined up right - It depends.
When I get the money situation figured out, we can talk further. We could also do a complete build with a neck and everything - It depends on how much gear I sell, but I really want something nicer then the reissues and cheaper then the originals.