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Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:39 pm
by Mo Law-ka
which ones should i get?
EHX Holy Stain
ive already got a wah and a POS digitech rp-5, which both suck.
anybody got any recommendations?
my price range is ~250USD
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:43 pm
by James
Need. More. Info.
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:46 pm
by Mo Law-ka
i play rock, metalz, clean stuff, etc. im just looking to expand what i have now, seeing as how i have 11 guitars and such. my amp is a peavey valveking 112. basically: what is the best pedal i can get for this type of setup for ~250?
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:47 pm
by kim
get both secondhand.
no really, tell us about the band you're in and what kinda guitarsounds you're after etc
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:50 pm
by James
Mo Rocca wrote:umm...
i play rock, metalz, clean stuff, etc. im just looking to expand what i have now, seeing as how i have 11 guitars and such. my amp is a peavey valveking 112. basically: what is the best pedal i can get for this type of setup for ~250?
I made a similar post on tempscale, but with a lot more padding and a bit more info. It had a higher budget though. I wrote it in notepad cos my browser had crashed a bit and as a result still have it, here it is:
I've decided to overhaul my gear somewhat. Selling pretty much all of it prior to moving to Dublin was a conscious first stage of this, and now I'm living in England, earning decent money again and wearing the appropriate socks; I've decided it's 'business time'.
At some point previously I must have had around £2k worth of stuff (taking the new prices at least) but not really anything I wanted to keep. I sold or gave away almost all of it and i'm left with a few pedals and a near useless amp. After a bit of thought, the £2k figure seems a decent amount to get a 'complete' setup and not really over spend. It does mean that some decisions will be pretty tough (an amp is the toughest so far) and I'll have to be fairly patient for the ebay bargains.
To cut to the point of this thread, the pedal budget is around £300. What I've planned leaves an extra £100 that can either go on an amp or pedals or whatever requires it the most. I already own a Korg DT10 tuner which is definitely staying put, I paid about £40 for it so that leaves £260 for other pedals, £360 if needs be.
Your task is to construct a pedal board within that budget and by sticking to the following rules and guidelines.
Rules and Guidelines
- You have £260-£360 (or $400 - $500) to buy all of the pedals
- Approximate second hand values preffered. New values can be used if necessary.
- I'm not really a fan of chorus or anything tube screamer related.
- I do like tremololols, loopers and delays
- I'd prefer to avoid gypsy companies like Behringer, but i'm willing to make the odd allowance here and there.
- I currently own a ProCo Rat2, Zoom Ultra Fuzz and a Zoom Power Drive, all of which cost me £40. You can include them at that price as you wish. If it's a close call between one of those and something similar, you may as well go with what I already have.
- It is important that when choosing your pedals you keep in mind the maxim 'Classic rock can git tae fuck.'
- Lastly, although I've spoken about this in a 'pick my pedals' tone and there are guidelines that follow my taste in pedals, this is really to see what you guys would do with this. Obviously I'll be taking note and checking out suggestions where possible, but I'm more interested in what you see as important to yourselves than what you think I should buy.
I take it you're talking about something similar to that but with 250 instead of 500?
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:54 pm
by Mo Law-ka
no band, at least not at the moment. i dont really know what sort of sounds im looking for. nothing too bright, but i want to be able to still hear the mids and highs. lots of definition when the effect is bypassed. i usually tailor my sound to what i have, and i dont have any effects, so i just base it off the standard clean/overdrive sound of my amp. i know im being very ambiguous, but tone is really fucking hard to put into words.