I'm putting inlays in a neck, everything was going perfect until I tried to cut the inlays to size. How do I cut motherfucker of pearl? I've tried a junior hacksaw and it snapped all the teeth off, I tried a steel file to sand it into shape and after 15 mins of filing managed to make the piece 1mm smaller it's like bell metal!
I don't have access to the magical scrollsaw or bandsaw, what tools can a mere man get to do the job?
I certainly have watched your vids, they were very helpful and inspirational! I made a makeshift vice, I clamped the MOP between a small piece of hardwood and a block square, using the block square as a guide of where to cut it. I have done only two inlays so far but they are coming out great, no gaps around them whatsoever. I'll post pics eventually.
if they were rather large then maybe a chizzle would work.
i don't have much experience with mop, but he stuff out of the epi neck was super thin, super stinky, and pretty hard considering the shape.
i used a bit of 50 grit sandpaper to clean up some of the edges.