Fast forward to this afternoon, when a package came, curiously sent all the way from Camarillo, CA.(practically walking distance from my late grandfather's rural mini ranch in Somis). In the hefty box were the Cool Cat Transparent Drive, Distortion, and Vibe, along with a really cool record-shaped mouse pad in a spiffy 45 RPM sleeve, and a mug. SWEET.
First off, considering the hefty metal casing, they're lighter than Boss pedals. Unscrewing the thick back plate revealed a very thin shell and a convenient plug-to-PCB design that is shared among each of the pedals. There's a "True Bypass" sticker on the front to encourage the masses (and pacify those who have bufferphobia), with a nice and tight 3DPT switch engage from the firm spring top bypass.
The verdict? So far I've only spent a good amount of time on the Vibe, and so far I really like it a lot, starting with a slight boost at work when engaged. Speed and Intensity knobs do what they do well, but the Mix knob makes things really shine. Fully engaged you get the detuned wobble (which actually made me a tad nauseous), and around 11:00 to 1:00 the blend with the dry signal combines to get that delightful pseudo-UniVibey yowie-yow... yowie-yow... yowie-yow..., with a classic timbre that somewhat decently recreates the classic rotary simulator. Unfortunately, it lacks the mid-low throbbing swell (something the Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe had annoyingly too much of), which could be dialed in elsewhere but nonetheless is a little thinner than the bypassed signal. Curiously the bright blue LED has a slight pulse when intensity is up and responds to the speed knob as such, but it's not that noticeable without dim lighting.
Overall a good pedal that I'd most likely pay the $69 street price to pickup. It's also surf green, B*%@h!
Gonna hold out on diving into the other two until I get to try 'em on the Rivera 100W twin at our practice space this Saturday, but have a feeling the transparent drive won't be bad at all. If it and the distortion sound decent, I might bum a large case off of the Moollon team and do a fun rehouse.
Inside the Transparent Drive: