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I got a freebie Line 6 Flextone I

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:14 am
by NickS
A colleague has had this Line 6 Flextone Duo 2x12, 2x50W stereo digital modelling combo from new, but it's feeling its age and started randomly switching channel/efects when it's warmed up. He bought a Fender The Twin (red knobs) but finds it's not practical, especially as he's moved back in with his folks, so he's bought a smaller Fender and he's given me the Line 6 to play with ("it would cost more to repair than it's worth"). At bedroom volume with the covers off it doesn't seem to have any issues.
Looks like this:
Controls are the same as this head:
Quite fun to play with the effects, not a lot of circuitry, so I think it's time to get out a hair dyer and see what makes it go berserk when it gets warm. There seems to be a Philips microprocessor, some Texas DSP chip, a chunk of memory - could be any of these, though I would guess the uP. I wold post pictures but Trish has taken the camera on a school trip (>>Osborne House<<, nothing to do with Sharon and Ozzie) today.

It didn't come with the FB4 floorboard, so if someone has one they want to get rid of, let me know ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:19 am
by Mike
I hate those fucking things.

Back in the day we sometimes used practise rooms that provided backline, and those POS Flextone heads were the amps there. They were impossible to understand and used to randomly flip amp models and stuff while you were playing. ALWAYS sounded like bollocks plastic wanky shit also.

Not a fan.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:57 am
by ekwatts
Anything Line 6 pushed out before the Flextone III's is pretty trashy. I had a Flextone III for ages, and it was fucking good, no lie. It was simpler, sounded very, very good and looked good.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:48 pm
by NickS
Mike wrote:used to randomly flip amp models and stuff while you were playing.
a-HA! Just like he was saying! So it's a known bug.
I'm looking at stuff on building a footboard.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:35 pm
by dodgedartdave
That thing has real good trem/slap-delay tones.