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Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:44 pm
by luke
Yes that's right, I am boldly doing what no other forum member has done before. I am going to try to compile the most accurate list of Fender guitars owned by members of There are some rules to make this as accurate as possible.
  • This does include homemade guitars. By this I mean if you've made your own body, or had someone make you a body to replicate a real Fender, it counts.
  • If it's by another brand and not licensed by Fender, it doesn't belong here. I suppose we can accept "lawsuit" and "serviceman" guitars that don't belong to any particular company, but not Fernandes Strats that may still be identical. Even if your guitar is made of third party parts, it will still count.
  • Guitars that mix elements of several Fenders are to be listed as whatever the body is. If you've got a Tele neck on your Strat, it's a Strat. If you've got everything Jazzmaster on a Tele body, it's still a Tele. If you're not sure, post it at the end of your response and let everyone decide whether they think it counts.
  • Complete guitars only. If you have the parts available to assemble a certain guitar, that doesn't count as having the guitar.
  • Squier and even Starcaster brands do count.
  • Tele Deluxe is still a Telecaster, '51 P-Bass is still a Precision Bass, etc.
  • Nobody cares about your acoustics. Sorry.
So here is the ultimate list of Fender guitars and basses, and the current tallies. I will update the numbers whenever I can based on replies. Please point out if I've missed any. And please try to minimise chat in this thread, otherwise it'll just become hard to follow. :)

Code: Select all

Stratocaster     ----------------------------------------------------------58
Telecaster       -----------------------------------------------------53
Jazzmaster       -------------------19
Jaguar           -------------------------25
Mustang          ----------------------------------------------48
Jag-Stang        -----------------17
Duo-Sonic        ---------------15
Bronco           -----------11
Musicmaster      -------------13
Cyclone          ------6
Esquire          --2
Toronado         ---3
Bullet           -1
Super-Sonic      ---3
Jagmaster        -----------11
Venus            --2
'51              ---3
Showmaster       -1
Stagemaster      -1
Swinger          ----4
Starcaster       0
Coronado         --2
Coronado XII     0
Electric XII     0
Katana           0
Performer        0

Jazz Bass        -----------11
Precision Bass   -------------13
Jaguar Bass      --2
Mustang Bass     -------7
Bronco Bass      --2
Musicmaster Bass ------6
Bass VI          -1
Bass V           0
Coronado Bass    0

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:50 pm
by Mo Law-ka
Stratocasters: 3
Telecasters: 1
P-bass: 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:57 pm
by Justin J
Jaguar: 1
Musicmaster: 1
Bronco: 1
Telecaster: 1
(technically, two of these are being painted right now, but all the parts are there. and they were complete before i disassembled them to be painted)

and malik, don't forget coronado guitars, basses, and twelve strings. also the electric xii. and the weird '80s guys like performers (and their bass variants), katanas, etc. regardless of whether anyone actually owns any of these, the list should be as complete as possible.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:59 pm
by aen
Telecasters: 4
Duo Sonic: 1
Jaguar: 1

I'm counting things that are under construction and or in the mail, htough.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:02 pm
by Mr.Ripley
1 Strat
1 Jag
1 Musicmaster Bass (which needs to be added)


Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:03 pm
by Doog
Stratocaster 1
Telecaster 2
Jazzmaster 1

Jazz Bass 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:12 pm
by astro
Mustangs: 2 (1976 MIA and 2005 '69 RI CIJ)
Precision bass: 1 (1976 MIA)
Jazzmaster: 1 (parts guitar with MIM strat neck, not yet painted, though.)
Telecaster: 1 (saga kit copy... not sure if this counts since it isn't Fender, but I built it from parts.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:21 pm
by euan
Stratocaster: 1
Telecaster: 2
Mustang: 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:35 pm
by suede
telecaster 2
Jaguar 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:36 pm
by Sublimedo
I'm going to include rochelle's stuff in my post, mostly because she always leave her stuff in my house.

mustang bass-1
musicamaster bass-1
Bass VI- 1

you should also add the Venus, in which case +1 for that

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:44 pm
by Will
Squier Strat - 1
Mustang - 1
Duo-Sonic - 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:09 pm
by Ninja Mike 808
Mustang: 1

Robvon needs to chime in, what does he have like 15 mustys?

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:17 pm
by boyecho
squier vista venus:1
fender tex mex strat: 1
squier jazz bass [mexico]:1
fender pbass mexico: 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:21 pm
by Thom
Jaguar - 1
Strat - 1
Jag-Stang - 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:37 pm
by cooter
Fender Cyclone II - 1
Squier Vista Musicmaster Bass - 1
1962 Fender Musicmaster - 1
1983 Fender Bullet - 2
Squier Jagmaster - 1

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:43 pm
by benecol
Jazzmaster - 1

And I've got a 70's Cimar tele, which puts it firmly in the lawsuit era, but I dunno. I'm confused.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:45 pm
by luke
benecol wrote:Jazzmaster - 1

And I've got a 70's Cimar tele, which puts it firmly in the lawsuit era, but I dunno. I'm confused.
Is it identical to a real Tele? Aside from woods and colours and components, if it's identical to a Tele and clearly intended to be passed off as one, then I'll count it. If it's intended to simply resemble the Tele while still being sold off as a different guitar, that's no Tele.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:51 pm
by Justin J
if you're gonna have cyclones i and ii separate, then you should do that with musicmasters and duo-sonics. at the very least make vista musicmaster an option as it's drastically different than the vintage ones. and don't forget to include the venus xii and strat xii.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:53 pm
by benecol
I'm not about to bust out a micrometer, but it looks and plays like a tele. It says Cimar on the headstock though. I've always understood lawsuit to almost mean an era of Japanese manufacturing (from which this one dates) rather than specific guitars. Not trying to be a pin in the arse - by all means ignore it and just count my Jazzmaster.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:53 pm
by robert(original)
jaguars 1
telecasters 2
squire cyclone 1
jazz bass 2
pbass 1
and 1 jag-stang