yeah its loosley based on the tubescreamer circuit.
but i used to have a ts9 and it was nothing like this.
anyway, i really like it. i didnt think i would really be into TS style circuits, but the bad monkey is amazing and the fulldrive is so much more than a tubescreamer, in that its not some mid hump catastrophe.
im still getting used to it and messing with it. we shall see what if i really love it.
im not gonna lie, i was swayed into buying it because i noticed that chris walla uses it, and his tones are amazing.
rich people say fuck yeah hey hey
heavium wrote:grow a bat army in my room and train them to attack when someone comes in
mewithoutus wrote:yeah its loosley based on the tubescreamer circuit.
but i used to have a ts9 and it was nothing like this.
anyway, i really like it. i didnt think i would really be into TS style circuits, but the bad monkey is amazing and the fulldrive is so much more than a tubescreamer, in that its not some mid hump catastrophe.
im still getting used to it and messing with it. we shall see what if i really love it.
im not gonna lie, i was swayed into buying it because i noticed that chris walla uses it, and his tones are amazing.
and that has nothing to do with the dr. z right? or is that that other dude in that band... hm..
They used to both play through Dr. Z's, I think Gibbard uses this bizarre Hockey Puck shaped distortion.
I'm not really bothered by what they're playing now gearwise, seeing as Narrow Stairs is only 50/50 good and bad songs, and none of the guitar sounds leap out at me particularly. I think he's playing a Tiny Terror or something for dirt, fair play I suppose.
Tubescreamers seem to get a bad rap around here. I agree that the TS9 really colors the signal more than I'd prefer, but if you've never tried one of the better ones (eg: TS808, Maxon version, other various) -- they are much more transparent and really drive amps in a pleasing way.
I'm sure your pedal sounds awesome, and the addition of the boost is incredibly useful -- I've already found the pleasures of a simple MXR Micro amp at the end of my signal chain.
Mike wrote:
I don't like an overdrive that saps bass and creates a mid-hump as much as I don't like one with a flubby bass attack.
Have you ever listened to Stevie Ray Vaughn? How can you say that he has a lack of bass and/or flabby bass attack. The man is probably most responsible for making them so popular.
And while many TS's increase mids, you also have to realize that this is often a major benefit -- especially when you are playing a single-coil guitar through a Fender amp (they naturally have somewhat lower mids). And there are plenty that can adjust this characteristic.
They don't work very well as a primary distortion pedal, but for solos, man, you can't really beat them.
lets not make this a tubescreamer sandy vagina debate.
gibbard used to play dr z's but hes playing a silvertone 1484 clone his tech built him. chris is playing through a 64 vibrolux and a tiny terror. they both use dr z 2x10 cabs though.
and i can honestly say that i have approximated (pretty damn closely) a bunch of his tones, which isnt even what im trying to do.
i like his sounds, and i like the way his playing comes across. his tech told me he has his fulldrive on almost 100% of the time.
either way, i wanted to see if i could use it as a tool in shaping my own tonal landscape and im still playing with it. who knows i may not like it in the end, but it seems pretty awesome so far.
rich people say fuck yeah hey hey
heavium wrote:grow a bat army in my room and train them to attack when someone comes in
Mike wrote:
I don't like an overdrive that saps bass and creates a mid-hump as much as I don't like one with a flubby bass attack.
Have you ever listened to Stevie Ray Vaughn? How can you say that he has a lack of bass and/or flabby bass attack. The man is probably most responsible for making them so popular.
And while many TS's increase mids, you also have to realize that this is often a major benefit -- especially when you are playing a single-coil guitar through a Fender amp (they naturally have somewhat lower mids). And there are plenty that can adjust this characteristic.
They don't work very well as a primary distortion pedal, but for solos, man, you can't really beat them.
Dude, fender amps also have a billion miles of low end, which helps fix what the Tube screamer fucks up. at least my Ri twin and Silverface Bassman do.
Anyway, remember when Miek called it a Turdscreamer?
When I turn 60, I'm goign to start the hardest, angriest, noiseyest, and scariest band around, and I will call it TurdScreamer.
Mike wrote:
I don't like an overdrive that saps bass and creates a mid-hump as much as I don't like one with a flubby bass attack.
Have you ever listened to Stevie Ray Vaughn? How can you say that he has a lack of bass and/or flabby bass attack. The man is probably most responsible for making them so popular.
And while many TS's increase mids, you also have to realize that this is often a major benefit -- especially when you are playing a single-coil guitar through a Fender amp (they naturally have somewhat lower mids). And there are plenty that can adjust this characteristic.
They don't work very well as a primary distortion pedal, but for solos, man, you can't really beat them.
I hate SRV and I hate guitar solos. Double Fail in my opinion.
I'm all for MIDS. I play a Marshall, I just don't like honky humped mids.