rat modded

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rat modded

Post by freekandy »

Hello all, do these mods seem beneficial for the extra 100$ i would be paying for this pedal, http://cgi.ebay.com/Modified-Proco-RAT2 ... dZViewItem

I want to get a rat but im not sure if i should get a modded one or a regular. i know some people on the boards have modded ones so if they wouldnt mind telli ng me what mod and how its differs from the original sound, it would be greatly appreciated!

jaguars :)
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Post by Doog »

Depends how tweakable you want it, I guess.

I put in a pot to tweak my RAT2 from Ruetz mod specs, up to stock and even higher gain modes, for the cost of one pot, a knob, some wire, a bit of solder and a little time.
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Post by r40f »

from the description, it sounds promising, but i'd want to hear a huge improvement before putting down the cash for something like that. the rat is a fantastic pedal as it is, really. i have two - one for guitar and one that i added a feedback switch to for other purposes. it's possible that these mods they're selling improve the pedal like the sort of mods that are typically done to the Crybaby, for instance. but like i said, a stock rat pedal is not to be underestimated at all and i'm skeptical that they've really improved the sound until i've heard it. some of these "improvements" i've seen on the internet are really just putting in a capacitor here or cutting a diode there and all they really do is cripple a pedal.
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Post by Mike »

All of this:
Electrolytic caps upgraded to 1% tolerance Panasonic ECQ Red Drop varierty MOD
- Audiophile 8 pin gold contact IC socket installed for easy chip swapping MOD
- Enlarged bottom end via capacitor upgrade ("warm" tantalum tone caps utilized) MOD
- Ultra bright white-ish blue 5mm LED replaces stock RED indicator MOD
- TopHat Alpha potentiometer for more control overing bottom end filtering MOD
Is complete baloney, trust me. Electrolytics will be filtering teh supply and coupling stages. You're not going to hear a difference. The gold pin IC socket is just hilarious.

The switches are all fairly basic mods.

Depends what the $100 means to you really.