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my personal opinion of the new mexi jags

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:49 pm
by robert(original)
I was in terra haute the other night with the guitarist of sirens selling off some gear at a gc and i noticed that had, not one, but 4 jaguars.
which is amazing cuz the store is rather small.
first one i noticed was the jag hh, i know, its been out and people already have em on here.
but i noticed something and i wanted other folks to check thiers to see if its the same.
look at the thickness of the rosewood from the first fret to the 12th or so, and to the end, it varies, you supose this is fom the compound radius?
and the side dots were all inline with eachother, nice n straight, but they weaved closer to farther from the rosewood, very unapealing to look at, i know im a pain in the arse.
but besides that it played nice enough and sounded decent.
now on the the mexi's
they had 3 of the new mexican jags, cept they were all the same, white with two buckers, i didn't get to plug it in but i just jammed on it and examined it pretty thoroughly.
the neck is tinted to sex perfection and the decal is tits!
good ole slot head kluson repros were nice and tight.
the tort on the guard was nice to look at.
the overal fit of all the hardware was good on all three, very consistent.
and the fets were crowned nicely.
the one MAJOR thing that got me was the fact that the tune o matic bridge was as far down as it could go and the action was still kinda high, and i like high action.
the way the guard is open cut around the bridge bothered me, though its not really that noticeable.
now, the buckers, wtf is up with the two top screws and single bottom screw?
what if you want to put something else in?
do you make a new hole and deal with the old ones?
or do you try and rig the plate onto the new bucker?
none of them have a trem that setup at all and none of them had trem arms.
it was funny becuz when i asked about useing the trem arm, the guy at gc said something like.
"you know even want to mess with the trems on those things, they never stay in tune, TRUST ME"
i brushed it off, but i still wanted a screw driver, a tuner, and a trem arm.

all in all, seems like a good guitar, but with all guitars, tinkering is involved.
BUT the price is high, it'd be better to get a used jap jag for 500 bucks on the bay or sumthin.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:55 pm
by Justin J
i absolutely hated the single coil version of the new mim jags. it sounded just like a strat.
but the humbucker version was pretty nice. still, the jazzy wins in this series.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:09 pm
by robert(original)
i read a review like the first week of the jazzy one, and it seemed like it would be a better option.
does it have the kill switch thing as well?
personally i like the standard jag wiring, i got fairly used to it with my avri.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:28 pm
by superfuzz
robert(original) wrote:i read a review like the first week of the jazzy one, and it seemed like it would be a better option.
does it have the kill switch thing as well?
personally i like the standard jag wiring, i got fairly used to it with my avri.
Im pretty sure that the jazzmasters have standard jazzy wiring.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:59 pm
by Mike
Yeah I believe they only changed things on Jaguar HH Special.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:14 pm
by Jagermeister
...I think regular guitar stores shouldn't be allowed to carry Jaguars :x I hate hearing garbage about the trem.

Neck needed a shim?

I actually think 3 screws on humbuckers would be a better idea... If Gibson had made them with 3 screws from the start and recently dropped the third, people would be pissed.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:29 pm
by robert(original)
sure 3 screws is nice, you know the bucker doesn't move around.
BUT, its not so nice when you figure that 90 percent of guitar players out there already have a favorite pickup in mind and if they don't like a certain gutiars sound they will fall back on that certain pickup.
so the other jaguar with the singles adn the jm have normal circuts?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:06 pm
by purplehaze19x
The Jazzmaster is wired normal, its both Jag models that are wired like ass.
Im gonna get me the Jazzmaster, i like them. The black w/ brown tort is great.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:10 pm
by James
purplehaze19x wrote:The Jazzmaster is wired normal, its both Jag models that are wired like ass.
Im gonna get me the Jazzmaster, i like them. The black w/ brown tort is great.
Do you just mean non-vintage correct?

I don't knoe actual changes, but most comments I'e heard have suggested the new switches are useful. Most jag players also seem to report a lot of the switches on the original having very little practical use, too.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:14 pm
by purplehaze19x
James wrote:
purplehaze19x wrote:The Jazzmaster is wired normal, its both Jag models that are wired like ass.
Im gonna get me the Jazzmaster, i like them. The black w/ brown tort is great.
Do you just mean non-vintage correct?

I don't knoe actual changes, but most comments I'e heard have suggested the new switches are useful. Most jag players also seem to report a lot of the switches on the original having very little practical use, too.
LOL, now that i think about it, i think robert is right. To tell you the truth i cant really remember how they were wired. I tried out all three, but i think The HH is the only one wired differently(Hums,killswitch,coil splitting rollers). The Jazzmaster and the Jag SS seemed to be wired correct. (vintage like)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:50 pm
by iCEByTes
factory humbuckers and fender are two things don´t match :lol:

fender don´t know do humbuckers anymore :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:03 pm
by robroe
there is this magical place called

inside this "website" they list spec's of thier guitars and what the switches do.
they do this so people won't act stupid


Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:01 am
by purplehaze19x
Your right, but i tried them out and i didnt think i need to visit the Fender website, but apparently i do.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:01 am
by Sloan