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Semi - Hollow advice

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:47 am
by Baaan012
I don't play jazz nor do I play blues, nothing against them, I just don't . . but ever since I was little I wanted a semi hollow like an es 335. I have been saving up for awhile and am getting close to the max of what I'm going to spend. SO if I possibly found one of each (coronado 2, gibson es 335, Epiphone sheraton 2, or the epiphone casino) which one should I purchase, or should I just say fuck it because I don't play jazz or blues and buy a shortscale?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:06 am
by Jagermeister
...First off, the Coronado and Casino aren't semi hollow, they're both full :)

In theory, if you want to turn up the gain more often, you're better off with a semi, but this is probably down to individual examples...

Tons of old farts will tell you how versatile a 335 is for everything between cheesy white man blues to cheesy 70s honky rawk tones, but coming from a Fender point of view most semis/hollows wind up with a bit less articulation and clarity compared to a solid... And the fact that the Gibson/Epi axes typically have buckers exacerbates that and will at the very least make you play with your EQ to get decent neck only sounds...

If you can find one with P90s that might be more workable, the Coronado has a little respected DeArmond single that you might just like, as plenty of people did when Robroe (I think? EDIT: COWBELL) posted a demo. You'll get all the Fender modularity with that axe in any case, the only example I've personally played was a XII so I can't comment much...

Try one (of each), it might be for you... But I can live without hollows for the most part... Though I wouldn't refuse a Starcaster ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:15 am
by Baaan012
Thanks for the info! i remember when it was easy to just not think about what i wanted and just go buy it, but now i hate the fact that i have to be realistic. I still don't know what I want but you helped me a lot. . so thanks

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:18 am
by BobArsecake
Coronado ftw. Cowbell has one and I've had a right good go on it when I was over and it's absolutely amazing, seriously one of the best guitars I've ever played. Can't believe how damned light it is either, and just sounds fantastic. We went to a Guitar Center and had a go on a 335 and the Coronado just blew it out of the water. I like Casinos, if I was to own any other such semi other than a Coronado I'd go for one of those I think (discounting Gretsch too!). I've got a Sheraton that I'm borrowing from a friend, and while it's alright, I find it quite clumsy and it's nowhere near as comfortable as the Casino.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:27 am
by Baaan012
I would love to go to a music store and try some of them out, but unfortunately everyone that works at my local stores are huge douches and a bunch of creepsters. btw what kind of music do you play?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:51 am
by BobArsecake
All sorts, I don't buy guitars based on that, I go for them based on how they sound and feel in general etc, obviously I wouldn't try (well not properly) to play metal on a Coronado or a Jaguar, but you know what I mean. Don't corner and restrict yourself by putting guitars into categories, 'cause not only will you not discover a whole set of instruments, but you might not break out of playing a particular type of music. I mean do what you want etc, but I don't think it's a good idea to be so strict about applying certain guitars to musical genres.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:57 am
by Baaan012
I know what you mean, and that's good advice. I don't try to generalize a specific sound with a certain guitar, it's just lately when I've see something that I like, (semi-hollows) people have been only playing one type of music, and it gets stuck in my head that they are jazzy blues guitars only, I just don't want to be let down or dissapointed because it doesn't fit my style.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:19 am
by BobArsecake
Hmm, well you can only try, and if they don't fit you can sell them on and get something else, and repeat until you're happy :D

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:58 am
by mewithoutus
oh man, you gotta try them out before you make a decision.

i have a sheraton 2 and it is AMAZING. i play heavy and light stuff with it. its just a great guitar. must try.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:04 am
by BobArsecake
While I've warmed to the one I've borrowed over the past few months, I'm just really not that keen. I think it's 'cause I played a Casino before and I was expecting some similarity (in how it felt as least) and the neck is way chunkier on the Sheraton. Horses for courses etc.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:07 am
by Mike
I owned an Epiphone Riviera.

At no point did it really work for me. I don't like the body size and I felt disassociated from it as a result of it's light weight. I wanted to rock.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:25 am
by BobArsecake
Mike wrote:I owned an Epiphone Riviera.

At no point did it really work for me. I don't like the body size and I felt disassociated from it as a result of it's light weight. I wanted to rock.
The Coronado is like playing air with a Jazzmaster neck but it sounds bloody brilliant.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:26 am
by Mike
I'm sure it does, but personally I need to have a solid body and some resounding weight to make me happy.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:27 am
by Baaan012
someones going to have to post more coronado sounds and or demos so i can hear this because your making it more intriguing. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:28 am
by Mike
Are you still learning the internet?

A search in youtube for Fender Coronado yields this:

Which was made by More Cowbell, playing the very Coronado Bob is talking about.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:33 am
by BobArsecake
Mike wrote:I'm sure it does, but personally I need to have a solid body and some resounding weight to make me happy.
Fair enough.

And here's a couple of demos;

Cowbell's demo on the Shortscale Gear Demos' Youtube page

Cowbell and me having a little play, mainly for Cowy's reverb pedal he got while I was there

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:34 am
by BobArsecake
Beaten to it :E

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:38 am
by Baaan012
I should have been more specific, although I thank you for one being rude, and the other friendly, i had seen both of those and another with a green coronado, that is why i said "more sounds or demos." :D

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:39 am
by luke
Baaan012 wrote:I should have been more specific, although I thank you for one being rude, and the other friendly, i had seen both of those and another with a green coronado, that is why i said "more sounds or demos." :D
It's the good cop, bad cop routine. You get that a lot round here. Welcome to the boards anyway.


Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:39 am
by stewart
damn, i'd kill for that guitar. i'd go to prison for it, knowing it was there waiting for me when i got out, making all the isolation, bad food and shower-room rapes worthwhile.