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squire thinline, shortscale?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:54 am
by robert(original)
i had no idead but this. ... sku=514048
is a 24 and 3/4 scale.
technically for a fender thats a shortscale, and if you look at the pins i bet you could get a 24 scale neck to intonate on it just fine.
"The shorter 24-3/4" scale length makes note bending easier."
they should have said
"the shorter 24-3/4 scale length will apeal to the crowd!"
im not really in the market for a tele but i do feel the urge to buy this and rock it out!
altho i wish it had binding.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:27 am
by Billy3000
I had no idea that those were 24 3/4"... I remember us all getting excited about these when they first released them but how did we manage to miss that fact?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:34 am
by robert(original)
im not sure, i remember seeing them, and even reading about them, but never did i hear anyone mention that they were shortscale.
i've got the bug, bad.
i have been putting back small small amounts of money towards another jaguar, but now im thinking this is looking pretty nice.
and heck bubbles duo is looking pretty good to me right now as well.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:54 pm
by ultratwin
I picked on up at GC while home this past summer, and found it heavy(for a thinline) and unusually not too resonant, although half of it might have been those retarded .09s on a 24.75" scale. Still curious as to what it might be able to do with a little TLC, tho.