Where does mikes trem/vib belong in pedal order.... ?

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Where does mikes trem/vib belong in pedal order.... ?

Post by othomas2 »

I'm going to have to re-shuffle my pedal board to add my new aquisition from mike.... trem/vibrato pedal which is awesome !! Buy mikes effects ;) I'll try do my own demo soon...

I've had some comments regarding the previous pedal order saying it was controversial.... but I've been quite content with it. What would be the traditional order from left to right... at the moment it's...

korg pitchblack tuner
Sansamp GT2 dist
marshall delay
Dano octave
Ibanez Flanger

(mikes pedal ?? )

Here's a quick pic...

They've all screwed down so not so easy to keep changing things around constantly... sorry, shit with these things... the only thing I'm definite about is the delay after dist....

any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Where does mikes trem/vib belong in pedal order.... ?

Post by Mike »

Cool pic btw. Well there's two schools of thought, and one would be "whichever sounds good to you", in music there are no real rules so everything should be taken with a pinch of salt, but if I was to recommend a "Classical" order it would be this:
othomas2 wrote: korg pitchblack tuner
Dano octave
Sansamp GT2 dist
2-in-1 Trem/Vib
Ibanez Flanger
marshall delay
Thanks again
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Post by Mages »

I really like trem before distortion. that way it distorts more as it reaches the peak in sine wave. after sounds fine though. I would just put it immediately before or after the distortion pedal. just plug it in a couple different places until you find something you like.
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Post by othomas2 »

Cheers guys .... that's some food for thought... thanks for your input...