Okay...so one guitarist is obviously playing a Kurt-ified Japanese Mustang. From the sonic blue finish, the red guard...even down to that"K" shield that Cobain purloined from "K" records and adopted as his own personal symbol.
But what IS that tasty silver sparkle number the other guy is playing? First impressions? Looks like a Jagmaster...but I've never seen one like that. Tort pickguard, toggle switch on the lower horn, standard Strat-type bridge. What's throwing me off is the pickup config. A single coil in the BRIDGE position and a humbucker in the neck???
Doesn't look like a custom job to me either...
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:56 am
by finboy
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:30 am
by aen
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:34 am
by Sloan
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:38 am
by aen
It's like a jazzmaster without the cool stuff!
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:39 am
by laterallateral
clearly a Jagmaster
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:18 am
by timhulio
Shit Sandwich.
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:07 am
by Sloan
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:27 pm
by robroe
despite Tim's lack of enthusiasm, I took it upon myself to investigate further into this band sandwich and found this video.
who ever recorded / mixed this album did a fucking amazing job on the drums. they sound big, resonate, and in your face. i love it.
i wonder how the fuck i go about getting this bands cd ?
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:36 pm
by robroe
while looking at SANDWICH videos i found this other band called HALE.
holy shit. the music takes me back to everything i listened to in 1999 like get up kids, hot rod circuit, and the anniversary. fucking great.
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:25 pm
by Raist330
I have a few connections with THAT particular indie "scene." (see my website)
If yer really interested, sir, PM me your details and I can try to hook you up with the soundz.
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:48 pm
by Z*Z*Z
Looks like a Jagmaister to me
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:19 pm
by robroe
after FURTHER inspection. the thing has a single coil in the bridge. cool
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:04 am
by Raist330
Which, as I said earlier, is what was throwing me off in the first place.
Wonder how that thing sounds with both pickups turned on. Do you folks think the "reverse" order (coz' buckers are usually in the bridge) has any sort of audible effect?
Oh...and if you like that shit...check THIS out:
Mr. Silver-sparkle's OTHER band. I know, I know...kinda emo-ish. Sound quality is pretty awesome though. Just wanted to illustrate that Rock Music isn't ONLY produced in the Western world.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:20 am
by stewart
Raist330 wrote:Do you folks think the "reverse" order (coz' buckers are usually in the bridge) has any sort of audible effect?
i'd imagine it does, given that one is a single coil and the other's a humbucker... but does it really matter that much? i'm not going to lose a lot of sleep over the potential pickup combinations of a 2002 jagmaster. some people might though, you never know.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:43 am
by rodvonbon
robroe wrote:while looking at SANDWICH videos i found this other band called HALE.
Wanna be Smoking popes!
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:52 am
by Raist330
Funny you should say that.
Hale's rep across the Pacific is more "Coldplay-ish."
Which probably explains why I don't like them. Chris Martin's voice makes me want to poop.
Don't think much of the popes either...but them's nuthin' but my measly two cents.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:40 am
by robroe
rod is from chicago.
smoking popes are from chicago.
smoking popes are also 302938420398423094832948 times better than cold play.
coldplay is from england.
people from chicago (and buffalo) don't give a fuck about bands from england for the most part. (dartz! excluded for me)
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:40 am
by robroe
I don't even think its silver sparkle. it looks IBM to me