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Old TeleStar hollowbody

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:30 pm
by anthoney
I was at a little indie record shop yesterday and they had some guitars hanging up. Most of them were overpriced Washburns and some of the new Hagstroms. I saw this hanging in the corner, missing a string with no price tag. I figured it wasn't for sale or they were asking too much. I asked and he said, 'oh how about 80 bucks.' I bought it to make a little money on...which I've already had several offers (including a straight up trade for a Martin 000x1 which are selling on Ebay for around $400. The more I play it though, the more I'm second guessing selling it right now. Sorry for the bad cell phone pics:




Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:27 pm
by DGNR8
Dude, that's a steal for $80 even if it is only with that much. You couldn't buy the materials for less than that. Meanwhile it's cool looking, has the Gibson book headstock, and a total surf name. Having a single Dearmond-type pickup cuts through all the tone bullshit. It's got the single option a la Johnny Thunders.

Any idea on the wood? How does it sound? Nice find.

Here's some MOAR on TeleStar. It looks like they were made by Kawai.


Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:37 pm
by anthoney
Thanks man! I have no idea on the wood. It's really light but it has a chunky, smooth neck. The action is incredible...the kind of feel you can only get with years and years of playing. The pickup sounds really good - it looks kinda weird just sitting in the middle like that, but the tone more than makes up for it.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:46 pm
by Will
I have a guitar with those PUPs - they are something else. A little low-output, but this crazy smoky grind.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:24 pm
by anthoney
Just sold it for $130...62.5% return in 2 days. Granted, it's on a very small scale but not a bad investment.