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Post by robert(original) »

its a group call hordes of nebulah, great group of guys.
the main singer, songwriter, guitarist has had me work on about 12 of his guitars(he has probly 30)
but at anyrate, they got signed to a german label recently and came out with a cd of stuff from 2003-2006, good shit.
oh, they are black metal so, you are forwarned.
check out.
awash in the blood of my enemies.
the night of wind and storm.
and the all my other favorites are on variouse other albums, i think they have like 4, but only one of them is for purchase, unless you know eric, or chris.
Mo Law-ka
strictly roots
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Post by Mo Law-ka »

these guys rock.

its awesome.
jcyphe wrote: Mo is the most sensible person in this thread.
icey wrote:and thats for the hatters (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻