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New Pedal Day: EHX Deluxe Memory Man w/ AnalogMan Mods

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:01 pm
by Armchair Bronco
I just completed a Buy-It-Now auction on evilBay for a mint Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man. This unit has two mods from AnalogMan: the Input Impedence Increase mod and the Gain Reduction mod.

I used the 25% discount combined with a 10% PayPal discount. This reduced the $300 price down to $205! Killer.


I can't wait to put this thing between my guitars and my Orange Tiny Terror! Woo hoo! :D

(Can you say echo...Can you say echo...Kan yo see u se eko...)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:07 pm
by James
New Rule Day: Fuck off with the new day nonsense.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:23 pm
by Armchair Bronco
James wrote:New Rule Day: Fuck off with the new day nonsense.
...And you have a nice day, too!

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:26 pm
by timhulio
The pedal is great dude, and seems quite a good deal.

But don't get me started on listing all yer gear in your signature!

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:27 pm
by benecol
But that aside: that's a lovely pedal - cured what were my issues with the DMM.

Mazi Bee SG Militia Army etc

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:30 pm
by jcyphe
timhulio wrote:
But don't get me started on listing all yer gear in your signature!

That's so circa 2002.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:03 pm
by euan
New pedal days are Harmony Central criac. They like Mewiththeshits posting there. Fuck that.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:13 pm
by Armchair Bronco
euan wrote:New pedal days are Harmony Central criac. They like Mewiththeshits posting there. Fuck that.
Are you saying that it's verboten to make a post whenever I (or anyone else) buys something, or do you just have a beef with the "New [ITEM] Day" moniker in the thread?

'Cause if it's the latter, we can play the game where I say: "Just bought a new EXH DMM pedal on ebay!" And then when I guy a new [WHATEVER], I can have a post that says "Just bought a new [WHATEVER]".

I acknowledge that the "New [ITEM] Day" tag is very Harmony-Centralish, but honestly: how many different ways are there to announce a new purchase in a thread title?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:17 pm
by Armchair Bronco
Just spotted this title:

"My Mike's Design Pedal Got Here Yesterday!"

I guess if I use an exclamation mark at the end, I should be OK, right? Just want to make sure I'm doing things the right way so as not to offend anyone over the land of easily offended short-scale players.

How's are these?

"My new EXH DMM pedal with AnalogMan mods is on its way!"

"Check out this awesome pedal I just scored on eBay!!!"

"I'm 'Da Man' wit' my new 'Deluxe Memory Man'!!!"

...yeah! I'm starting to get it now!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:21 pm
by euan
I didn't see the Mike thread, can't be expected to see everything posted on the forum. If was going to post about a new pedal I would do it in the diary thread. Or I woulds start a thread about the pedal. Just not call it new pedal day.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:24 pm
by Reece
Mike's pedal was from one board member to another. Mike would have wanted to know about it at least and he actually had the pedal.

in this post however, you've already bought it so you're not asking advce on whether to buy it. You haven't got it yet so you can't tell us whether it's good or not, why not wait until you've got it?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:39 pm
by Armchair Bronco
Zaphod wrote:Mike's pedal was from one board member to another. Mike would have wanted to know about it at least and he actually had the pedal.

in this post however, you've already bought it so you're not asking advce on whether to buy it. You haven't got it yet so you can't tell us whether it's good or not, why not wait until you've got it?
Well, I suppose the recipient could have notified Mike directly via e-mail or IM or whatever instead of clogging up with works with a post that had no relevance to me whatsoever since I didn't do a trade directly with Mike.

My post had as much to do with getting a killer deal via + a PayPal discount as it did with the pedal itself. Plus, my pedal also included a couple of mods from AnalogMan. Someone could have (presumably) asked for more info about these mods or given me anecdotal info about DMM pedals of their own that had these mods.

The bottom line is this: I've NEVER, EVER been on a guitar board that has as many grumpy malcontents as the ones on this site who spend as much time criticizing posts instead of either ignoring them or responding to the underlying thread. It's really remarkable. In this post alone, some of you have criticized the post as well as my signature. I'm shocked that no one has yet criticized my avatar (after all, Cobain used heroin, committed suicide, and was a shitty, overrated short-scale musician, right?) or the way I cross my "I's" and dot my "T's".

And "No", I'm not going to be leaving this site or anything like that. There are enough helpful people and posts around here to make it worth my while to hang around indefinitely. But if some of you think that you can drop a few "F-Bombs" and that I'll run away like a little girl, then think again.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:42 pm
by Reece
Aye fuck yourself.
Nah, I was a wee bit harsh, not slept much recently so there's been an extra dose of salt.

What was the discount about?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:59 pm
by mellowlogic
lol you guys are SERIOUS

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:02 pm
by JamesSmann
i started the mike's pedal thread. and it was rad. like me.

you started this thread. and it was rad until all the cuntery that ensued...from both ends.

everyone needs to get over it and dudeguy needs to sew up his gaping wound over this.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:52 pm
by euan

fuck the gearpage
fuck harmony central
fuck offset

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:57 pm
by benecol
euan wrote:also

fuck the gearpage
fuck harmony central
fuck offset
Gawd, hark at George Harrison.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:05 pm
by paul_
Well the "day" bit is clearly unnecessary.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:05 pm
by James
Most of the communication here is done with text. There are quite a few images and some video, as well as a small amount of off-forum stuff with meetups/phone calls and what have you, but for the most part it's the text that you're communicating with. "New guitar day" is purely lazy and unimaginative. I've nothing against new gear threads and make a fair few myself, it's the fact that most of the threads are made with at least a little excitement on the part of the original poster and if the best way you can express that excitement is with the most tedious harmony central phrase you can find you've no business being involved in any creative aspects of anything. Music or otherwise. I'm not claiming that each of my posts demands a nomination for the noble prize for literature, perhaps only a tenth go that far, but I at least try to make things a little interesting.

There is the obvious option of ignoring threads that feature the NG'd setup, and until now I have. It's increasing and, I think, lowering the overall standard of the forum. It's clearly not a life threatening issue, but it is fucking annoying. There's a reason I don't read other guitar forums (with the exception of the occasional browse of offset) and I'd rather not find those reasons on the one forum I do read.


I'll go back to the actual thread rather than just the title, and sorry to bring that all on you. The discount thing is interesting for sure. I've heard of a few of these lately and it's worth looking into the small print to see if some extraordinary deals can be had - 20% off an otherwise reasonably priced vintage Fender is too good to ignore.

Nice pedal.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:27 pm
by JamesSmann
i guess what i'm saying is different strokes for different folks. sometimes people on this board are really quite tetchy about shit i don't understand. i mean, at the end of the day if it says "New ___ Day" or "I just bought ____" or "I hate Aug" does it really matter?

well, yes the aug hate will always matter. but you get what i'm saying right?